Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A first at the Farm

Whenever I come to CS I love to head over to my friend Hayley's house..not only is she a great friend to me but our girls love to play together! The other awesome thing is they have a farm! I am amazed at what is going on over there. There are so many animals flying around there and her house is always gorgeous! I am sure we wear out our welcome..but we can't help ourselves!
Emmaline had a special day because it was her 1st time to finally decide she would ride a horse!
Yes, they are riding bare-back! HA! Emmaline and Sammie play well together and it helps that she is fearless!
I was proud of her gusto and she seems really at ease with the horse, puppies, baby chicks, roosters, pigs, etc..
Georgie on the other hand was a bit shy and just wanted to pet Trigger today. She 'wasn't loving' the puppies at first either
nor would she go in the chicken pens. I don't blame her though..I'm not that country either! HB had a good day, pet the horse and chicks
but he didn't like when the 8 puppies ganged up on him and nibbled on his fingers with their sharp teeth!
It was a wonderful day to share with Hayley and Autumn and all 8 of our kids.
It ended with a long rain shower and even longer naps! There is nothing quite like your hometown and your oldest friends!!!

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