Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hayes Bryant is 15 months!!

WOW! We have been so busy getting the house ready to go on the market I haven't hardly made time to do much else. The timing is crappy. I haven't sent Christmas cards out and don't think I will at this point. It makes me sad because I always love doing that and getting all of my family's and friends' cards and displaying them. I can't do that this year so I have them in my nightstand and look at them randomly. I am so far behind in blogging and can't remember where to even begin..
But this post is about my little man! Today he is 15 months old and W-I-L-D!! He is really fun at the same time. He doesn't want to sit still, he is basically running now but still toddles off balance a bit.
*He only has 4 teeth but eats really well! When he is done he chunks it on the floor. He also launches his sippy cup too. It hurts when it lands on your toes, if you were wondering!
*Hayes loves to laugh and mimic things we do..if I yell for Emmaline he tries to do the same. He loves to say 'Boo' and 'MaMa' (finally!!). He also says Pop, Dada, bye, more, bite
*HB loves his paci and blankets. He is kindof rotten with them but I'm not ready to battle that yet.
*He started replying in the negative now, saying 'Un uh' when he doesn't want something or to do something.
*He loves for me to chase him and gets so excited..I need to tape him..he usually ends up going so fast that he falls to the floor and giggles as I tickle him.
*He gives his sissies kisses and hugs and will still lay his head on the shoulder. I love that!
*Hayes wears size 4 diaper, 18 months-2T clothes and I think size 5 shoes..I still have him wear the Roobies cause they are easier for him to walk in.
*He loves to drag things around, put necklaces on, things around his neck or on his head. Usually they are pink! He likes their pink princess wand and it says, "You are such a beautiful princess.."
*He seems to be scared of random animals, like at the park or other people's's just so different than the girls who loved any dog!
*He waves at everyone, points all the time and likes to dance.
*HB still sleeps great, naps either 1 or 2 times a day but doesn't nap well in the car anymore. He still does but wakes up easier and gets fussy quicker. He doesn't care about the DVD player yet.
*Hayes is starting to show attitude and when he gets mad or frustrated he will hit, push away, pull hair..He hasn't bit yet but I think he is going to sometime. He will fight back with Georgia too, which she deserves but I am hoping it will help her realize she needs to be nice to him. He will give you a dirty look too. And does not like to be told 'No' or have something taken away!
*I am guessing he weighs 24 lbs. and height I have no clue..Hayes has his well check this week so I will update then on stats. UPDATED: He weighed 24 pounds and is 33 inches. Still a big boy, but more on the normal range of things!!
*Hayes also climbed out of his crib for the 1st time..yea..what timing! I think a more descriptive way would be to say he dropped his paci out of his crib and I think he fell reaching for it..I heard him crying so I went in there and looked for him in the where to be seen..he was stumbling around in the sad! No bumps or bruises so that is good!

HB, I love you so much and feel so blessed to be your Mommy. I love getting to see you grow and change and play everyday. Your smile lights up my day and you make me laugh already! You fit perfectly into our family and I love how you get so excited to see Daddy and your sisters! The girls love that you can play with them more now! I can't wait to see your face when you get your Christmas gifts!!!

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