Sunday, February 19, 2012

randomness in pictures

Why does my baby look like he's a big boy and not a baby? I love those chubby fingers and curly blonde hair..even if he does need a haircut!
Someone is getting way too big for the baby swings! The girls love when I run underneath them and give them a big push!
Tired little girls who pedaled all the way to the bridge! Their cheeks were so red people were asking us later on at the store, "Is it really that hot outside?" I made them pedal all the way back to the car too and let's just say that G was "not lovin' it"!
My little biker babes! G goes so fast then instead of pushing back on her pedal to slow down, she drags her feet on the ground...I see that going poorly for her at some point!
Daddy brought us balloons, flowers and chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day! They were thrilled with the balloons, shredded the flowers in the playroom and I ate all the strawberries! It was a win for all of us!
We made this and some yummy dinner for Daddy to show our love!
And I walked into HB's room the other day and saw my sweeties having a tea party. They love his room the most it seems and have been playing pretty well together lately. So tea for three is how it goes around here!

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