She is one of the happiest babies I have met, and loves to flash her big, slobbery, toothless smile!
She has so many chubby rolls on her arms, I think they are going to pop off!
She laughs and giggles and bounces when she sees Emma or her dogs come near.
She loves to swing and play outside. That will make her happy most any time!

She definitely prefers Mommy..which I love, most of the time.
She surprises me with how well she sits up and grabs at things since she recently started.
She loves doggie kisses and reaches to grab when she can.
She has not been sick since she was born. Praise the Lord!
She can drink from her sippy cup pretty well and gets so excited when she sees it.
She met her cousin Grey for the 1st time and they were so cute together!

She prefers veggies over fruit in baby food so far and tries to grab the spoon from me.
She goes to sleep at 8:30 and usually won't cry or only for a few minutes.
She loves to be danced with and to bounce.
She loves the song "My Little Buttercup" that Daddy sings to her. It always brings big smiles and squeals!
She is mesmerized and instantly happy when I do "Open, close them, open, close them..1, 2, 3, 4, 5." with my hands, not sure why, but she loves it!! I do too!!
She is affectionately referred to as "my bitty bitty" or "chub chub" or "sissy" by me.
She is 6 months old and melts my heart and makes my morning, noon & night! She is cuddly and I know too soon will be running next to Emma..so I am holding on, tight.. eventhough I am told by many, "she's a big girl, don't carry her too much"! Sorry folks, you only get one chance..I can't decide in 4 years I want my baby back!
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