One of my favorite "Mommy" things is when you have a beautiful, sleeping baby and you need to take them out of their carseat..sometimes they wake up, but sometimes they are just too tired and they lay their little heads with their chubby cheeks on your shoulder and their fingers grab hold of whatever they can find..LOVE IT!! Oh and don't forget the little sigh they let out! AHHH!

My little bitty is 8 months old and is so sweet. She is so cuddly and smiley and LOVES her big sister. My parents had Emma for 2 days and Georgia really missed her..I totally recommend a playmate for that only child.

When Emma saw us for the first time she squealed and was trying to jump out of her carseat. Then she broke into tears because she couldn't get to us fast enough! It was so sweet and a perfect greeting! I missed my big girl!

We are so blessed and thankful for our beautiful, healthy baby girl..I have many reminders daily of that and hope to never forget that!
1 comment:
WOW is she gorgeous!!
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