Thursday, May 21, 2009

Splish splash..Landa Park, New Braunfels

The girls have been having a blast in their summer pool, and in the bathtub! Georgia is finally able to sit up well enough that I don't have to hold her the whole time and worry about her flopping over!
They love to splash, squeal & kick around with eachother!
at Landa Park in their awesome wading is natural water from the river and is rock is perfect for young kids because the parents don't have to get in!! Isn't it gorgeous!?!Landa Park, New Braunfels
picnic in New Braunfels
bathing beauty-this suit is a size 18 mo..what a sweet big sister to share! Georgia is now crawling forward, though she isn't following me around room to room; I can usually expect her to be in the same vicinity where I left her, which is nice!!
She can also go from a crawling position to sitting up by herself which has helped a lot in her mobility and frustrations!
She has said "Dada" and "Mama" though I only hear the later when she is yelling in her monitor to me or when she is in her highchair and the food isn't coming fast enough. She can use a spoon ok, and doesn't like for me to feed her!

This morning G was repetitively saying, "Dada, Dada.." and Emma very matter of factly says, "Dada's at work, Georgia!" like, duh! That is the same thing I tell Emma constantly when she asks for was so funny and grown up!

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