Things that make you go HMMMWeena Weena; Bitty Bitty; Woona Woona; Oosha baby, oosh baby - just some random nicknames I call Georgia. Why? I don't have a clue..but I wanted to remember them..why? I don't know that either.
My little Weena is going through separation anxiety..It is making me anxious...and annoyed, but I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl, so I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts. But her cornering me and scaling up my leg is getting old.

Georgia is walking now majority of the time. She still crawls but I would say she is a walker for the most part! We are at the stage of me still carrying her everywhere because it is to the car, to MDO, inside a store, etc.
Georgia is also starting to show her girly side and likes to carry around purses and wear crowns, necklaces, bracelets, etc. She is SO proud of herself when she gets a crown on her head!
Things that make you go Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...
Emma - Mom, you no have makeup on.
Me - No, I don't hunny.
Emma - You need makeup on.
Me - (surprised) OH, I do?
Emma - Neah (yeah), you need some makeup!
She also loves to talk about things smelling bad, not matching (she thinks her underwear need to match her clothes), and "just" having done something, like.."I
just went potty. I need my nee (candy)." She also likes to tell me when she doesn't approve of what I am wearing by saying. "That not look nice."

While at our good friends' camping party, everyone was outside running and playing, roasting hotdogs and smores. Emma was inside. She comes out and announces to me, "I want to wear this. Melp (help) me please?!" She had plastic heels and a pink ballerina outfit halfway on, with makeup smeared all over her face. Let's just say she was unhappy when I told her we were there to play outside!
You just can't teach that..It has to be God-given au-natural!
I am pretty sure she can pick out an outfit better than me at this point. I actually ask for her opinion on what to wear!
knew I would get my own personal shopper one day.
Daniel went bow hunting in Mississippi this weekend. He didn't kill anything but said he had fun anyways.

Maybe it was all that beer you drank and facebooking in the stand??
Things that make you go Hmmm.
I HATE painting. Don't ever ask me to help you paint. There is no amount of wine or chocolate that could make me do it
ever again. We now have a red accent wall in the playroom, cause, you know primary colors help kids...blah blah...and it is magnetized!! When I asked Emma what she thought, she told me "I not like that, it not match!"
Things that make you go HMMM!