Saturday, October 17, 2009

just fall

So here we are..Fall in Texas..the days go from 90 to 75 to 55 back to 90 all in a matter of 24 hours. Gotta love it!

Well, we do love it..but Daniel has had the no fun there, but we managed to steer clear so far. He has been home ALL week, which is different. I think there is a reason why most people don't both work from home...I am not sure I would not be running out finding the 1st teaching job available in that scenario!

We attended a fun 1st birthday party on this gorgeous Saturday and are watching all the football we can stand..which is a lot..I do have to say I wish I was at the Red River Shootout in Dallas..sounds so much fun and who wouldn't love some fried oreos!?!

We hopefully are going to either Sea World for their Halloween fun or to a Pumpkin Patch/maze tomorrow. Daniel is off to Louin to hunt next weekend and we have 2 more bday parties, so no slowing down here!

Hope you are enjoying your fall and the beautiful sunshine days!

Is anyone else plagued with what to wear/do for Christmas card pictures?? I have no clue..and the only clue I do have is not really that great...any ideas??

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