Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 weeks & 2 years

We recently had some dr. check-ups for Georgia & Hayes. They are both doing great and growing the way they are supposed to.
Dr. Oliver said Georgia is speaking really well (which is a blessing because EJ is in speech therapy) and seems to be right on track with everything. Georgia is in the 50th % for her weight- 26 lbs. and 75th % for her height-37.5 in, which is the same as Emmaline always is. I think Georgia looks chubbier than her peers but maybe it is because she was so chunky as a baby?!! I do miss those rolls she used to have down her arms and thighs, but love that her cheeks are still so full. Everyone says how sweet and angelic her smile is..she can be doing anything naughty and then she will give you her smile and it all just doesn't matter anymore! She is being really sweet with Hayes and enjoys holding him..until he starts pooping (he is really loud about it) because I think it scares her.. She was holding him once and he started to go to the bathroom, explosively, and I was trying to calm her down by saying, "it's ok, he is going potty!" and she made this horrific face and practically threw him at me..then she jumped up and went on the other side of the bed and peeked over at him. Another funny time was when she was holding him and he started crying..She said, "You hold him. Turn it off!" She wanted me to turn him off.."Too loud," she said! It was hilarious!Georgia 'feeding' her baby!
Hayes is growing too. Hayes weighed in at 8.12 lbs at 50th % and is 21.8 in. at 75th-90th %. He has gained over half a pound in a week and an inch (supposedly). The dr. was very happy with his weight gain since it is up from birth! He is eating well and sleeping ok. He is definitely becoming more awake everyday and his periods of alertness are increasing. He still seems to tolerate things pretty well, but prefers to be held for sure. He is into size 1 diapers and his newborn clothes are almost too short for him. His sortof schedule at night seems to be awake and hungry from 10-midnight, then goes to sleep til around 3, then he eats and looks around for awhile..this is the point I have a hard time getting him to sleep in his bassinet..as soon as I put him back after feeding him he wakes up or starts to cry, so unfortunately he has been sleeping with me holding him..I know..not a good trend..I am trying to not let that happen and working on getting him in the bassinet! But, as long as I am holding him, he will usually sleep for a long time. So what is a Momma who loves and needs her sleep to do?!! One last story for now..my 1st time to get peed on was early last week. I was on the ground changing Georgia and then was changing him..so both girls were right there for all the action. I opened up the diaper and he started spraying my lap. I don't know why, but I just squealed and shut my eyes, thinking it would stop soon, BUT it didn't! When I squealed it made Emmaline squeal and jump back and I guess it scared Georgia because she started crying. The stream finally stopped and I got him cleaned up and dressed. Poor Georgia was traumatized and couldn't stop pointing and looking for where it came from. Emmaline finally started laughing with me, but she was not going to help clean the carpet up! Emmaline also likes to say, "I'm done!" when she's holding him and he poops. No diaper duty for those big sisters, though feeding him a bottle is on the top of their to-do list!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

L&D, Plan B or maybe even C

...So off to the NICU went our 1st son while we stayed in the huge delivery room by ourselves. Hmmm, this isn't the way we envisioned this. You know what they say about even the best laid plans..they go awry.
Not that we had a "plan" but we definitely didn't plan to have our baby in the NICU and for our guests to not be able to meet him and for there to be an IV sticking out of his head. I had "planned" on giving him lots of kisses and getting to nurse him and figure out who he looks like. I had "planned" on having the girls come up to the hospital and hold their brother and taking a family picture of the 5 of us..something that has yet to happen! I really hate to miss a photo op!But, God had a different plan! So let me back up to say, when Hayes was coming out, the cord was wrapped around his neck and wrapped all over his body. He was purple..luckily, I couldn't see this and didn't really know what was going on. His shoulder also got stuck and that apparently was a cause for concern with the nurses. My doctor was great and was calm and didn't give me a reason to worry at all. Noone seemed alarmed so I was just happy to hear him cry, which he did, and see him carted off to get cleaned up. Daniel & Carrie started taking pictures and surrounded him and talking to me about how cute he was. I was just staring around, watching the doctor sew me up and catching my breath. Nothing out of the ordinary for me, third time around.The NICU doctor came over and said some things in their jargon that I kindof understood but not 100%..basically they would be taking him for further eval for breathing and his shoulder. After doing an x-ray, monitoring his breathing & running some blood tests, the results were in. He was doing ok in the breathing department. His shoulder was fine, but he had some junk in his lungs which they were concerned could cause an infection if it didn't resolve on it's own.
It wasn't fun having to walk down to the NICU to feed him and Hayes was definitely the biggest baby in there. It really did put things into perspective. We had a pretty healthy little boy who was being monitored and checked out and more than likely wouldn't be spending much time in there, where as most of the babies in there are really sick and their futures are unknown. I also finally got the mindset that I was glad he was in there, being monitored closely and watched over for anything that could be wrong. It wasn't my sole duty to recognize if something wasn't right and for that I eventually became grateful.
So Hayes spent about 24 hours in the NICU, then was released to us in our room. His lungs were cleared and his blood tests came back good. We finally went home on Monday, September 13, at 11 pm. It wasn't my "plan" but all in all everything turned out fine and he is home now, acting like a normal baby..his early days of sleeping for 5-6 hours are over and now he is loving being awake at 2 am. Just like the rest of the Listi babies!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Labor & Delivery, floor 3, please!

Before it gets too far in the past and my memory totally fails me..here is HB's birth story. I just know he is going to cherish this when he gets older!
Carrie and I met my mom on I-35 in front of Cabelas on Friday, September 10th to drop off the girls with her for the weekend. Saturday morning I woke up earlier than I would prefer and went for a leisure walk. Then I came home and mowed the yard. I love to mow the yard..something about the quiet time you get while you mow and I call it a workout, not to mention the satisfaction you get when it is done and looks so pretty!
It was Game Day, so Daniel and I had big plans to head to Carrie's to cook dove and watch football all day. We took naps and finally got up, showered and ready to head to the party. It was around 2:30 pm, and as I was getting off the phone with Carrie in the driveway, Gauge was loaded up to go play with Marvin, I felt a warm gush of water. I hung up the phone with her and told Daniel, "OK, so I am pretty sure my water broke, be right back!"
I headed into the house and went to the bathroom. Now, I really had no question that is what happened but I did use the fun amnio swab Daniel got from his nurses at the hospital just to be sure! It turns dark blue if it is amniotic fluid and not urine! Yep, that is what happened..SHOWTIME!! I did get a little freaked because the swab turned black looking and I thought maybe their was meconium. Anyway, all was fine..I forgot my phone in the car and had to walk outside with a towel around me to get Daniel out of the car..he was just sitting waiting for me to come back..not sure if he didn't believe me or what?! We got everything loaded into the car and headed to the hospital. Of course, since we hadn't eaten yet, we stopped at Jimmy John's for Daniel while I made some phone calls. "Sorry Carrie, change of plans..my water broke!! YEA!!" Daniel was really adamant about delivering at the hospital he works at and runs and it worked out great. All of his coworkers were so wonderful and we got great care. We get to the hospital and hang out while getting registered because we hadn't done that yet. My pants were soaked and I just stood there while they asked me all kinds of fun questions like my weight, present and pre-baby!! Just what I want to think about!
We get settled in and turn on the tv so we don't miss a play of the games. Our nurse, Sam, was wonderful and fun and Daniel knows her, so that made it all the better. She was nice to talk to and answered all my questions..I am so fascinated by pregnancy related stuff so I had a question for everything..I finally got started on pitocin around 4:30 which did the job to speed up my contractions from about every 4-5 minutes to around every 2-3 minutes. I don't remember how much I was dilated at that point but when they checked me when I arrived I was 2 cm. They kept asking me by pain level and I would say, I guess a 2?? But I knew it would get worse and how fast that could happen so I wasn't about to take any chances..I got my epidural around 6:30 and was around 7 cm after that. My epidural was great..it worked! I couldn't feel anything except in one spot but it didn't really hurt..and it finally went away..my right leg was so numb I couldn't move it at all and couldn't feel it being moved. It took forever for that to wear off. I had a bracelet on that said "fall risk"! HA!
Finally, around 9:30, after Bama had beat Penn State, it was time to turn off the tv and push! Carrie had come up with dinner and got to stay in the room when he was born. She helped video him afterwards and it was fun to have her there. My dad had called at some point in the day and told me, "I love you, have fun!" - OK dad, I will have fun in labor! He was having fun at the Bama game!
While I was pushing, the nurse was telling me to keep pushing and wanted me to go to the 10 count, but my doctor was telling me to take a breath and relax..finally I said, "Um, I am kindof confused, who am I supposed to listen to?" I don't really know who won that argument..but he came out pretty soon after that regardless. I would say this delivery was easier than Emmalines but a little harder than Georgias, mainly because the labor & pushing took a little longer. At 9:49 pm, Saturday, September 11, 2010, Hayes Bryant was born! We had decided on his name earlier in the day. Daniel really loved Hayes, a family name from his maternal side. And Bryant was a given..it was coach Bear Bryant's birthday and it was on our list from the beginning, so we knew it was meant to be! Daniel gave me a kiss and went to take pictures of our son and Carrie said, "Oh, he's so adorable!" I was loving his blonde hair and just so happy he was there. Everyone was surprised at his size and the dr. & nurses said he was big for me to deliver. Maybe my doctor should have given me an ultrasound ahead of time! I do have to say my doctor was not on call and came up on the weekend and was there pretty much the whole time I was in labor. He even did the circumcision. He is a coworker of Daniel's and a really nice guy. After the clean-up we quickly got a picture with our son, then they wisked him away...to the NICU!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Little Brother

Hayes has been with us now for 6 days and we are so in love. He is such a great baby and I am not taking that for granted. He loves to sleep..he loves his paci..he eats well and tolerates his sisters pushing and pulling on him! So, we will keep him!
He went to the dr. for his check up and looks great. He is healing from his circumcision which Daniel and I completely didn't even think about until questioned at the hospital.
He is such a typical boy. He already makes all kinds of noises and grunts. He is hairy all over and even looks like he has a little boy hair cut. I guess that doesn't really sound cute, but it is..biased a little, maybe!He has slept for a 5 hour time span at night and then went back to sleep after eating. I don't want to jinx it, but I hope it continues. At least last night, he didn't sleep as long, but was up to eat for 30 minutes and then went back to sleep in the bassinet for 3 more hours. There has been no crying and screaming jags of time, except for the 1st night home, but I think that was because my milk was not in yet. Who could blame the hungry guy?!He does have dimples, not sure how pronouced they will be, but you can definitely see them when he makes certain faces. That gives me joy because he looks so much like Daniel that at least he got something from me!!He also has big hands! It is hilarious. He holds his paci and takes it out of his mouth or holds it in. He also throws it sometimes. He likes his hands by his face. It reminds me of a puppy dog with huge paws that you know is going to be big when he grows up!
Finally, he is so easily soothed so far. If you pick him up he usually stops squirming, or his paci works or feed him. I know a lot of babies are like that, but neither of my girls were like that. I am so hoping this is a foreshadowing of his personality and he is mellow and sweet..he is going to have to be with his crazy sisters trying to run the show! Really, they are doing wonderful with him, but you can tell they are wound up from all the company and excitement surrounding them. There has been no biting or hitting or meanness towards Hayes from them..now towards eachother is a different story.
Ok, enough of an update about Hayes Bryant! We love him and he seems to fit perfectly into our family. I am so glad he is finally here!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Big Sisters

The girls finally got to meet their baby brother, as they still like to call him since he didn't have a name for so long! It is adorable to hear Georgia say Hayes though! Introducing the girls to him was so much fun and seeing their faces was priceless. Emmaline has been beside herself with excitement and just wants to hold him and constantly check on him. She loves to put his paci in when he cries and to rub his head! Georgia loves to say, "Hayes' toes" and to run over to the bassinet and squeal when she sees him. The first thing she said was, "No, my paci!" when she saw his. He seems to love his paci and I think I might love it too! Not sure if it will continue but if it works, then I will be a lot more willing to keep it around!
We took the girls to MDO today and we brought Hayes along to show off to their friends and teachers. Emmaline was so cute helping hold his carseat with Pop and kept saying to everyone that passed, "Look at my baby brother!" She was so proud. Georgia ran to hold Pop's hand and walked in like a big girl, then did her usual meltdown as she walked into her room. She gets over it quick but it happens everytime!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Baby brother is here!

Hayes Bryant was born at 9:49 p.m. Saturday, September 11, 2010.
He weighs 8.4 lbs and is 20.5 inches tall. He has blonde hair like his Daddy and is hairy like a Stevens! He is named after John Hayes, a Texas Ranger, from Daniel's maternal side of the family. Bryant is for Alabama football coach Bear Bryant, who he now shares a birthday with! We are totally in love with the big guy!

Almost a Happy Birthday!!

Baby brother is on his way! My water broke around 2:30 this afternoon and we headed to the hospital. I think it was me mowing the yard that did the trick!! Got my epidural around 6:30 and feel good! Can't wait to meet him and start the next chapter of our lives as a family of 5!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day weekend

This Labor Day weekend I wanted to be in labor. But that didn't happen. We had company instead. Daniel's mom and stepdad came into town and helped watch the girls while I went to an appt. and hung out with Daniel some. We also got to eat yummy food and ride the train at the zoo with the girls.
It was nice that Daniel was off work so we could spend time with him too. In the afternoons Daniel, Thomas & Gauge went dove hunting while the girls stayed home and played. I am excited because this weekend we get to eat those dove and watch football!!
Georgia also got to open her presents from Grandma and 'Pepaw' as she calls him. She got a soft, rainbow bear and a purse with some accessories in it! She is in love with it all and sleeps with the bear each night. Emmaline got a smaller bear and a make-up compact with all kinds of glossy stuff as a big sister gift! They have been busy filling their purses with their goodies ever since! We even go out to restaurants with our 3 purses full of must-haves like cell phones, lipstick, brushes & money, of course!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Emmaline, Daddy & Georgia made some homemade ravioli with our pasta maker. I had been wanting Daniel to make pasta and his yummy sauce in abundance so we could freeze a bunch for meals once we are a family of 5 and don't have as much time to cook. So they busted out the maker, with lots of flour and went to town. It was fun to watch them. Georgia wasn't much help as she just ate the dough and flour, but she had lots of fun doing that! Emmaline on the other hand really loves to help Daddy in the kitchen. She helped feed the dough through the machine and turn the handle. She then helped brush on butter and scoop out the ravioli mixture and then pinch the ends together. It is fun to watch her get so serious when she is "working"! She must have got confused at some point because she was calling it guaceole instead of ravioli. I think she said that because at lunch we had guacamole and really discussed it, so she would correct herself and say "Oh yeah, guacamole is the green stuff!" It is also great to have them help with food because they are so much more likely to eat it and like it or at least try it when they do! We had Daniel's birthday this week and Georgia's actual bday is this Sunday! I am hoping that baby brother's birthday will be sometime really soon too! For Daniel's birthday we went on a fun and relaxing date to the Melting Pot. It is one of our favorite places and we love the laid back, long meals you have there! The melted cheese and chocolate doesn't hurt either!
I go back to the dr on Monday and we will discuss our options then! My appointment this week was uneventful but I did have an epiphany that I won't be pregnant for forever and that I need to give it time to happen on its own. We'll see! It's just hard when you aren't sleeping and you think that you might as well we spending those wee morning hours with a little baby then just mulling over if you wrote your thank-yous yet!
This weekend my mom is going to brave the girls by herself in CS while my dad is at the Bama game and give me and Daniel one last weekend to relax. I am excited to watch football all weekend long, starting tonight, and not have to worry about diapers, meals & keeping girls in line! Thank you Mom!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Clam

That is what my friend called me after I told her how my last dr. appt went. Needless to say for some, I am not dilated, have not changed at all, my doctor felt certain he will see me at his office next week with no problems. Great! Just what a girl who can't drink water without experiencing heartburn wants to hear. Let's not even bring up the fact that sleeping has become nonexistent.
So in light of nothing new, I decided to post some pics from our family photo shoot we had done 2 weeks ago. These are our "teasers" and we should see the rest soon..Something I want to note and just maybe it will be helpful for someone out there..36 pregnant is a month or so late to take maternity pics and still feel good about the way you look. I think 30-32 weeks would have been ideal, BUT I am overall happy we had them taken no matter what. At least the rest of my family looks cute!for this pic, G wouldn't put her hand on my belly, so I said she could have candy if she did..before I got the sentence out, her hand was up there..little stinker!
I love E's ankles crossed and how she is grabbing on Daddy's legthe girls destroyed those flowers in the background!
At least I can enjoy some football this weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Schlitterbahn & Happy Birthday to Pop!

Today is my dad's birthday, Pop! We love you and hope you have a wonderful day..we already know you are going to have fun in Louin and at the Bama game!!My parents gave us tickets to Schlitterbahn so we decided to try it out with the girls. We must have picked the perfect weekend to go because it was a bit overcast, the wind was blowing and every worker told us it was the perfect day because it wasn't crowded at all. We parked right up front, didn't have to wait in line for anything. The best part was the girls were free, so we got to sell the other tickets and have money for awesome things like Slushies & Icecream of the Future!!
It was a really fun day and maybe one of our last outtings as just a family of 4! It was great to see them smile and be carefree and try new things, like big slides.
I was trying to ride as many slides as I could but it didn't do any good at bringing on labor..We went to the top of this huge water tower where different slides were coming off of it and they said we couldn't ride together but E could go if she went by herself..SO we asked and she said YES! Me and Georgia headed to the bottom and Daniel stayed with E and then followed her down. Georgia got such a huge kick out of seeing any of us splash down at the bottom..so we took turns staying with G and sliding with Emma because that was all she wanted to do then! I was proud she was willing to try it by herself!It really was a perfect day and everyone came home and took naps afterwards! I can't wait to go back to Schlitterbahn, either at Christmas time or the summer..and the free tickets sure didn't hurt!