We recently had some dr. check-ups for Georgia & Hayes. They are both doing great and growing the way they are supposed to.
Dr. Oliver said Georgia is speaking really well (which is a blessing because EJ is in speech therapy) and seems to be right on track with everything.
Georgia is in the 50th % for her weight- 26 lbs. and 75th % for her height-37.5 in, which is the same as Emmaline always is. I think Georgia looks chubbier than her peers but maybe it is because she was so chunky as a baby?!! I do miss those rolls she used to have down her arms and thighs, but love that her cheeks are still so full. Everyone says how sweet and angelic her smile is..she can be doing anything naughty and then she will give you her smile and it all just doesn't matter anymore!

She is being really sweet with Hayes and enjoys holding him..until he starts pooping (he is really loud about it) because I think it scares her.. She was holding him once and he started to go to the bathroom, explosively, and I was trying to calm her down by saying, "it's ok, he is going potty!" and she made this horrific face and practically threw him at me..then she jumped up and went on the other side of the bed and peeked over at him. Another funny time was when she was holding him and he started crying..She said, "You hold him. Turn it off!" She wanted me to turn him off.."Too loud," she said! It was hilarious!
Georgia 'feeding' her baby!Hayes is growing too.
Hayes weighed in at 8.12 lbs at 50th % and is 21.8 in. at 75th-90th %. He has gained over half a pound in a week and an inch (supposedly).
The dr. was very happy with his weight gain since it is up from birth! He is eating well and sleeping ok. He is definitely becoming more awake everyday and his periods of alertness are increasing. He still seems to tolerate things pretty well, but prefers to be held for sure. He is into size 1 diapers and his newborn clothes are almost too short for him. His sortof schedule at night seems to be awake and hungry from 10-midnight, then goes to sleep til around 3, then he eats and looks around for awhile..this is the point I have a hard time getting him to sleep in his bassinet..as soon as I put him back after feeding him he wakes up or starts to cry, so unfortunately he has been sleeping with me holding him..I know..not a good trend..I am trying to not let that happen and working on getting him in the bassinet! But, as long as I am holding him, he will usually sleep for a long time. So what is a Momma who loves and needs her sleep to do?!!

One last story for now..my 1st time to get peed on was early last week. I was on the ground changing Georgia and then was changing him..so both girls were right there for all the action. I opened up the diaper and he started spraying my lap. I don't know why, but I just squealed and shut my eyes, thinking it would stop soon, BUT it didn't! When I squealed it made Emmaline squeal and jump back and I guess it scared Georgia because she started crying. The stream finally stopped and I got him cleaned up and dressed. Poor Georgia was traumatized and couldn't stop pointing and looking for where it came from. Emmaline finally started laughing with me, but she was not going to help clean the carpet up! Emmaline also likes to say, "I'm done!" when she's holding him and he poops. No diaper duty for those big sisters, though feeding him a bottle is on the top of their to-do list!
Looks like you doing great taking care of your 3 gorgeous babes. I love the picture of Georgia "feeding" her baby. My son likes to play with my pump and putting the parts under his shirt....if he only knew. :O0
Haha- sounds so familiar! Almost all of it! I love your new pictures, the family photo is so great.
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