Emmaline, Daddy & Georgia made some homemade ravioli with our pasta maker. I had been wanting Daniel to make pasta and his yummy sauce in abundance so we could freeze a bunch for meals once we are a family of 5 and don't have as much time to cook.

So they busted out the maker, with lots of flour and went to town. It was fun to watch them. Georgia wasn't much help as she just ate the dough and flour, but she had lots of fun doing that!

Emmaline on the other hand really loves to help Daddy in the kitchen. She helped feed the dough through the machine and turn the handle. She then helped brush on butter and scoop out the ravioli mixture and then pinch the ends together. It is fun to watch her get so serious when she is "working"!

She must have got confused at some point because she was calling it guaceole instead of ravioli. I think she said that because at lunch we had guacamole and really discussed it, so she would correct herself and say "Oh yeah, guacamole is the green stuff!"

It is also great to have them help with food because they are so much more likely to eat it and like it or at least try it when they do!

We had Daniel's birthday this week and Georgia's actual bday is this Sunday! I am hoping that baby brother's birthday will be sometime really soon too! For Daniel's birthday we went on a fun and relaxing date to the Melting Pot. It is one of our favorite places and we love the laid back, long meals you have there! The melted cheese and chocolate doesn't hurt either!
I go back to the dr on Monday and we will discuss our options then! My appointment this week was uneventful but I did have an epiphany that I won't be pregnant for forever and that I need to give it time to happen on its own. We'll see! It's just hard when you aren't sleeping and you think that you might as well we spending those wee morning hours with a little baby then just mulling over if you wrote your thank-yous yet!
This weekend my mom is going to brave the girls by herself in CS while my dad is at the Bama game and give me and Daniel one last weekend to relax. I am excited to watch football all weekend long, starting tonight, and not have to worry about diapers, meals & keeping girls in line! Thank you Mom!!
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