...So off to the NICU went our 1st son while we stayed in the huge delivery room by ourselves. Hmmm, this isn't the way we envisioned this. You know what they say about
even the best laid plans..
they go awry.
Not that we had a "plan" but we definitely didn't plan to have our baby in the NICU and for our guests to not be able to meet him and for there to be an IV sticking out of his head. I had "planned" on giving him lots of kisses and getting to nurse him and figure out who he looks like. I had "planned" on having the girls come up to the hospital and hold their brother and taking a family picture of the 5 of us..something that has yet to happen! I really hate to miss a photo op!

But, God had a different plan! So let me back up to say, when Hayes was coming out, the cord was wrapped around his neck and wrapped all over his body. He was purple..luckily, I couldn't see this and didn't really know what was going on. His shoulder also got stuck and that apparently was a cause for concern with the nurses. My doctor was great and was calm and didn't give me a reason to worry at all. Noone seemed alarmed so I was just happy to hear him cry, which he did, and see him carted off to get cleaned up.

Daniel & Carrie started taking pictures and surrounded him and talking to me about how cute he was. I was just staring around, watching the doctor sew me up and catching my breath. Nothing out of the ordinary for me, third time around.

The NICU doctor came over and said some things in their jargon that I kindof understood but not 100%..basically they would be taking him for further eval for breathing and his shoulder. After doing an x-ray, monitoring his breathing & running some blood tests, the results were in. He was doing ok in the breathing department. His shoulder was fine, but he had some junk in his lungs which they were concerned could cause an infection if it didn't resolve on it's own.
It wasn't fun having to walk down to the NICU to feed him and Hayes was definitely the biggest baby in there. It really did put things into perspective. We had a pretty healthy little boy who was being monitored and checked out and more than likely wouldn't be spending much time in there, where as most of the babies in there are really sick and their futures are unknown.

I also finally got the mindset that I was glad he was in there, being monitored closely and watched over for anything that could be wrong. It wasn't my sole duty to recognize if something wasn't right and for that I eventually became grateful.
So Hayes spent about 24 hours in the NICU, then was released to us in our room. His lungs were cleared and his blood tests came back good. We finally went home on Monday, September 13, at 11 pm. It wasn't my "plan" but all in all everything turned out fine and he is home now, acting like a normal baby..his early days of sleeping for 5-6 hours are over and now he is loving being awake at 2 am. Just like the rest of the Listi babies!
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