Can you just slow down, time..please?! I am loving this age of my little man. He is so smiley and laid back and fun. He is happy, sleeping well, eating great & growing tons. His biggest sister is probably his favorite person and can always get a smile out of him! I am trying to take in all the little moments and looks and sounds that come out of HB, even when he wakes up at 4 A.M. to eat..again. I think the best thing about having multiple children is that it gives you great perspective on the fact that "this too shall pass". The little things that you love, those will be gone in a flash..and the big things that may push you over the edge, even those will be just a faint memory soon. I know that his not sleeping through the night consistently..or napping or even doing anything consistently is not going to last forever. So try and take in those moments, find something good in them, because it will be over soon enough.
He is getting really wild when he is nursing. His little head whips around when he hears a noise or a little sissy's voice in the distance. He then will make this sweet smile and go back to eating. I don't know why, but I love it. It always makes me smile and I never fail have to give him a kiss when he does this.
He still likes his paci and loves to play with his Daddy's dismay. He takes it in and out of his mouth and it sometimes gets stuck on his thumb.

He can sit up for a few split seconds, but usually tumbles over on his side! I think his noggin is weighing him down! HA!
He still isn't rolling over but can get over to his sides. The doctor said this is fine and typical of "larger babies".
He is eating baby food like a pro and seems to like when I mix at least 2 foods together best. His latest new thing was green beans and apples. At first he hated it and would gag, but now tolerates it. He can eat a lot and gets impatient with me if I don't literally keep it shoveled in his mouth. He also likes to spit his food out..and it always lands on me. I guess it is a new thing he learned so thinks it's cool! It probably doesn't help that the girls laugh every single time he does it!
He is wearing a size 3 diaper, but we still can squeeze him into a size 2 if necessary. He wears 6-12 month clothing best, but can wear 6 month. If it is a footie outfit it needs to be at least 9 months.
His new thing he likes is to take a drink of my water. He lunges for it when I pick up my glass. I don't think he gets much but he smacks his little lips and goes for more.
He is getting so heavy in his carseat, but still takes great naps in it. So I will continue to lug it around until he stops sleeping in it! Speaking of heavy, according to our scale he weighs around 18 pounds.
As far as sleeping goes he usually takes a long morning nap, about 2 hours after he wakes up, then has a few catnaps during the day..and maybe one more evening nap around 6:30. Then he has been going to bed in his crib around 9 P.M. I try and put him in his sleep sack over his jammies to keep him extra warm. He seems to sleep really well in it. I sleep better knowing there isn't a loose blanket in with him. On a good night he will sleep til 6 A.M., nurse then back to bed until 8:30-9. I love those days!! On the other random 4 nights a week he will wake up around 4 A.M. and then again at 7. Those are a little more rough on me!
As for his ENT appt. we didn't find out much other than we are going to do a Barium swallow at the hospital and then they will put a scope or something up his nose to look down his throat to see what is going on. The dr. seemed like it was all routine and that he still thinks it should be something he will grow out of, so we shall see!
He is ticklish and gets so excited. He is most ticklish under his chin but also on his "love handles" area!
He loves his feet and finds them quickly. He can even get them into his mouth!
He laughs now too. If I tickle him he goes into a deep gruff laugh and also when I make weird noises with my mouth. He also laughs when I toss him into the air. Love it!!
HB, we love you so much. You are such a wonderful part of our family and a blessing for sure. You will always be my Valentine! Your sisters talk about your constantly and are protective of you. They still call you Hayes-man and Mr. Hayes..and it causes everyone else to call you those nicknames too!! I am trying so hard to enjoy your current stage of life, but am looking forward to who you will become in the near future too! You will always be my baby boy!