Saturday, February 5, 2011

SnoW place like home...

This past week we were at home was cold and windy and rainy and gloomy. Luckily it was not all for nothing..we got glorious SNOW!! Not only did it snow over night but it stuck around all morning and it was sunny!The girls would run out and play for a bit and then come in and ask for hot chocolate with marshmallows..then they would do it again and again! They loved seeing their footprints in the snow. We also watched some movies and had a picnic lunch in the living room! It was a fun snow day. (notice E is wearing flipflops..she is her daddy's daughter!)
Hayes was still snoozing at 10am so I started cleaning out the girls' closet..I moved their dresser into their closet so now they cannot get into any clothes unless I open their door!! YEA!! Amazing what brings me so much excitement these days! Speaking of excitement, we were supposed to go with 2 other couples to the Toby Keith concert at the Rodeo, but we got snowed out..luckily, Carrie decided it should be a Girl's Night Out and I got to go and have Daniel stay with the little angels!!It was a blast and fun to hang out with the girls! We were talking about Hayes & Jackson doing the mutton bustin' when they get older..those kids are so cute hanging on for dear life and then falling off in the dirt. I can just see HB with his blonde hair sticking out from under his helmet! Other things we have been doing at home include, but are not limited to: potty-training Georgia, making laundry detergent (makes me feel so homey), moving around our living room in preparation for our Super Bowl party, organizing the laundry room, making Valentines for the girls' parties next week, getting our taxes filed & doing mounds of laundry. Next week my goal is to send out Emmaline's birthday invitations and decide on the party favors. We are having a bit of a struggle with the 'theme' of the party - cooking or Sleeping Beauty..who will win this one??

1 comment:

SaudiExpat said...

Thomas did the Mutton Bustin at the Katy Rodeo last year and LOVED it!! I highly recommend it as soon as they are big enough! I am disappointed that we moved before Lily was able to do it!