While at the library's playground Georgia started holding herself and I knew we wouldn't make it all the way across the parking lot inside so we did what we had to do. I didn't want to do it. But the fact that I didn't have a change of clothes for her forced the issue. So off to the porta-potty we went. Luckily, my friend was there and watched E & HB so I didn't have to drag us all in there. I really can't even imagine putting HB's carseat on the floor of a porta-potty. Gross!
We get in there and she peeks inside the bottomless pit of blue and says,
"That's disgusting!"HA! It was so funny but I was seriously glad she realized it all on her own. She is my dirty child..meaning she is a mess all the time..she eats grossly, she plays grossly and she just doesn't usually mind being dirty.
My little angel is growing up! AWWW!

Today I was chatting with her and I was calling her my 'big girl'. She said in her usual gruff, quiet voice
"I not big girl. I a baby!" I was kindof surprised. She usually insists on being a big girl, but she is quite wishy-washy too.
Anyways, then I said, "Yes, you are a baby. You will always be Mommy's baby." I was picking her up and rocking her in my arms.
Then she said it..
"I not Mommy's baby. I Daddy's baby!"And my moment was over. But it did make her Daddy's face light up.
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