Our vacation has begun and we have been on the road..the girls are doing well and HB is doing great. Mississippi weather is just different..it's hot, but a different hot. More muggy and sticky but less heat overall. The girls loved driving the 6-wheeler and fishing.

the 6-wheeler does it everytime..babies just can't stay awake while driving around in it..Hayesman couldn't hang on and passed out on the back roads.

my 3 sweeties. They are loving HB's new found skills at maneuvering around..what fun!

my guys..love them and those smiles..HB loves his daddy and says Dada all the time...where is all the Mama love??

Pop & Emmaline have been having fun together..she has been snuggling with him lots and he takes her up on it every chance he gets!

Georgia is a sprinkler feign..she doesn't really want to play in the water otherwise..she has to have the power!!
Mississippi has been fun..but let's not talk about the baby feeder ticks I came upon..meaning I was covered in and now have bites all over me..itchy little boogers! What a way to end a stay in the middle of nowhere..pine tar soap to the rescue!!!
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