I love this stage of pregnancy. 25 weeks pregnant now and happy to be here! I feel great (majority of the time), sleep great and get to enjoy all the fun things of pregnancy. I am feeling the baby move all the time but the jabs and kicks aren't strong enough yet to hurt or make me uncomfortable. I am finally showing to most everyone who sees me but not big enough to be annoying..I can wear certain things and you probably just think I'm fat..my new hairdresser today never new I was pregnant and kept talking about how I need to try this restaurant for a margarita or go to this bar. But I do love my hair and will go back to her - the color and cut is great!
I am wearing mostly maternity pants, but some regular bottoms and most tops are not maternity as the maternity ones are too big.Baby is measuring around 1.5-2 pounds and is about 12 inches long. And growing pretty quickly right now!
I have gained about 6 pounds. Sometimes I feel big and other times I feel tiny. The usual for me. One reason I think it's a girl is because I feel I am gaining weight the same way I did with Emmaline and Georgia..we shall see!
I know this is most likely, for sure my last pregnancy so I am taking it all in. I don't want to wish this away. I am loving having a belly again and love seeing my tummy jump and feel this boy or girl move around.I still am on the fence about the sex of the baby. I think it's a girl and will be more surprised if the dr. announces 'it's a boy!' but I do have my moments of feeling like it's a boy.
The heartrate was 137 last time I was at the dr. and that points to a boy if you believe the wives' tales. I'm carrying lower like I did with Hayes, but it's also my 4th baby so my muscles are tired! HA! I do have strong reasons for wanting both or either I guess I should say..so I will be thrilled either way and the excitement of not knowing hasn't been as hard as it was in the beginning. I'm used to it now and ready for that surprise in February.On all my baby apps they compare the size of the baby to a fruit..so he or she isn't the size of this fig we have in our backyard, but the size of an eggplant!
We are completely lost on names, mainly because we haven't talked about them. One day we will get around to it. We don't have a choice, right?!
The girls are funny to listen to when they discuss the baby. They love to say that the baby is taking all my food so I need to eat more. They pray for the baby and offer to share their rooms with it. I know I will have 2 big helpers on my hands..and more than likely lots of arguing over who gets to hold, feed and change the baby. Hayes pretty much just ignores me when I mention the baby, so I don't think he is loving the idea!
My next appointment is the week after Thanksgiving where I will have my glucose screening. I am nervous about it, but know either way the most important thing is to be healthy.
This pregnancy is going by pretty fast with the holidays and fun time of year, but I'm more ready to be pregnant than to have a new baby right now. I have a lot to figure out before the arrival in February. Here are some funnies from my honeys:
Georgia talking to a fireman at her school, "It's ok if we have a fire, we have a new house we can go to!" - while we were still in the rent house.
Emmaline had a make up dance class from a school holiday and when I picked her up she was pouting and told me in disbelief, "You said it was a makeup day but we didn't get to put any makeup on today?!" She was a bit confused about the words make up and makeup that you wear!Hayes brought me his sandwich meat from his lunchbox and slapped it on the table and said, "Meat, eewww, NO!" and walked away.Emmaline said while driving her Jeep, "We have our seatbelts on so a police won't come and steal my baby." - her baby being Hayes!
Georgia to Hayes, "Do you love Jesus?..Yea!!..then we get to go to Heaven!"
I showed Georgia a picture of a cute puppy Daniel was holding that he sent me from when he was hunting and she said, "Did Daddy shoot it?"
Speaking of Daddy..Daniel told me last week, "I am just now really realizing your pregnant now that you're bigger. I guess this is really happening!?!" Ya think!!
wah wah..
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