This year we had Thanksgiving at my mom's parent's house in Houston. It was great to see all my extended family and get to relax and hang out with them for a special holiday. My cousin Rachel decided it would be a good idea to do the kids' Christmas gift exchange since we were all together. It was so fun watching them play together, get excited over their toys and even share a little bit.

My aunt Wibby bought cute gift bags for each kid with a fun toy and had a Christmas tree craft for them to do. The kids pretty much ate cookies and goldfish for Thanksgiving dinner but didn't seem to notice or mind.

It is fun to have so many new little cousins around all within a few years of eachother. My cousin Rachel is due with her 2nd in June, her son Jackson let the surprise out which was pretty funny!

Dan and Kendra were there with Grey, 3 and Olivia, who is now 13 months old.

Spending time with family always leads me to wanting more and wondering why we don't get together more often.
So this year a few things I am thankful for are making new family the chaos that ensued when we gave the kids punch balloons in the piano room. I am thankful for our parents and their example of love they set..not everyone has great rolemodels to learn how to love and how to show love to others. I need all the help I can get with my 4 crazy kids!

I am thankful for my little turkeys..they are a wild bunch but I wouldn't change a thing..I KNOW how blessed I am.
I am so thankful for Daniel, for how hard he works for us and how much he puts in to being a loving father and husband.

I can't forget this last turkey that is still baking in my belly..this baby that doesn't have a name yet. We don't know if it's a girl or boy, but we do know that we have a place in our little family for them. We are ready and waiting!! I am loving the kicks and movements and am trying to not lose sight of the end goal. Here I am at 7 months pregnant, 28 weeks in my 3rd trimester!!

Unfortunately, today I had my glucose test and failed..not miserably like I did with Georgia..I barely sad cause I expected to fail but was oh so close!! I go back next week for my 3 hour glucose test..again, not expecting to pass but who knows. I do know that this is such a small thing in comparison to major things that could happen and am thankful that we have the ability to keep me and the baby healthy!! Less than 85 days to go!!

Finally, I am truly thankful for everything in my life..I find myself in a negative mindset over the house, the lack of a kitchen, etc. and it seems to just spiral and never end. I want to show my thankful heart more because I know that what we have is a huge blessing and I don't take it for granted.

Hope your Thanksgiving was special and full of wonderful memories! Obviously there is so much more I am thankful for, but I wanted to highlight these.
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