Thursday, May 23, 2013

Emmaline's Kindergarten year!

Here are some of the pictures from Emmaline's Kindergarten graduation, field day, performance, Easter party and field trips. Her teachers were so sweet to send me pictures when I couldn't be there myself! There were 2 teachers, Ms. Brooke Newman and Ms. Randa Staton, and 14 kids, 6 girls and 8 boys!
Her last day of school!!And her first day of school!Sidney wore her St. Alban's t-shirt they gave us when she was born to field day..she was a big hit and so adorable! The Kinder building, the Dent building, is being completely torn down and rebuilt for next year so they got to paint the walls, floors and cabinets, windows. A 6 year old's dream!! Daniel and I couldn't be more pleased and in love with the school and church. Also, her teachers have become friends and have set the bar extremely high for all her years to come!

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