So what is Sidney doing these days...
*Sidney rolls over from tummy to back, but not quite back to tummy..she is putting her leg up and pushing off though.
*Sidney is cooing and chatting and talking back to us; she likes to conversate and watched my mouth very intently! She also drools a lot and crams her fist in her mouth so I'm thinking a little teething is going on!
*She has laughed at us, squealed and giggled at bit too. She is ticklish and that is the best way to make her laugh. I love that she will still let others hold her without getting upset..Emmaline never did that!
*Sidney wears size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. Her chubbiness is super cute and fun to snuggle with.
*She sleeps sporadically throughout the day, usually a big nap in the morning, but the afternoon are still littered with catnaps. This summer will be easier to get her in a routine. She sleeps from around 10pm-5pm, give or take hours on both end. We are still working on sleeping through the night every night, but at least she is in her own bassinet in our closet now! Soon to be in her crib sharing a room with Georgia!
*She weighs around 15 pounds and is probably 23 inches. She goes back to the dr. next month!
*Sidney had really bad baby acne and some dry patches around her ears, forehead and ankles. I started using Aveeno eczema creme and it has helped a lot. I think it is all gone for the most part! Thank goodness, it looked so uncomfortable.
*Her hair is growing longer and starting to lay down sometimes. It looks a bit more strawberry blonde and is starting to fall out in the back a little. I see some blonde coming in the front, so who knows what color she will be..I kindof think she will be more red?!
*My dad says Sidney looks like and reminds him of his grandfather...that they have the same smirky smile and sparkle in their blue eyes! Have to find a picture to compare soon!
*She is starting to unclench her fists some and grab things more. I think she is realizing her hands can move how she wants them to and hold on to some toys or lovies.
*Sidney still loves her paci and is getting better at holding it in. I love the kind we chose, the wubbanub with the soft stuffed animal attached..I am already thinking about how much she will love those things and how it will be a good transition when getting her off the paci (just cut the paci part off)!
*She nurses every 3 hours, most of the time, during the day, starting around 7-9am and then her last feeding is usually around 10pm. I am trying my hardest to get her to make that 9 hour stretch at night. She is an efficient nurser but will linger if I let her!
We are loving our baby girl so much and love every part of her...from her dimpled elbows to her bull dog frown she gives us! Sidney "Wose", we are smitten and couldn't enjoy the days with you more. You make us laugh, smile and squeal with delight when you flash those big blue eyes and give us your toothless smile! I know I see small dimples in those cheeks and can't help but wonder what you're thinking. You are our little piece of heaven on earth and I am so thankful God gave you to us!
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