So this is my first Mother's Day with all 4 of my babies. There will be no more newborn Mother's Days for me and Sidney has been so sweet. She has gotten so 'talkative' lately and just smiles, coos, and has the sweetest expressions. Everyone is enjoying her and fawning over her every move (even the people who sit around us at church ooh and aah through the service. I don't think anyone can truly understand how bittersweet it is to see your last baby grow and change and hit those 'firsts' as a mother does. Maybe a grandma?!

I know I keep gushing over that point, but that is all I really think about these days between feeding, clothing, doing laundry, cleaning, chauffeuring, eating chocolate, etc.. While going through old clothes, for all 4 kids, I get such a sense of sadness..I don't want to let it go..but we don't have room and really there is no point to keeping ALL the clothes. It's ridiculous. So I keep only the items that immediately send me back to their first steps or first trip to the zoo, or that time they fell and busted their lip..things like that. I am planning on making a blanket out of them..one day! For now, I will keep them and smell them and smile when I remember who bought it for us, who wore it and where!
Geez..I can't seem to string together much else can I??

Today at church Father Scott (his name is Scott Brown and I knew a Scott Brown in highschool and it's how I quickly learned his name..I am terrible at remembering names) spoke on a Mother's love compared to God's love for us! One thing that struck me was when he said {if you want to see what God's love for us is like, an agape kind of love, then look to the Mother you think loves her children the best, with that unconditional, agape kind of love, and that will give you a glimpse at God's love for His children.} So I'm sure I missed a few points there, but that's the gist of what he said..
I feel like that is my challenge and what a great reminder it was..I want for someone to look to me as that Mother who gives that love to see even a hint of what God's love looks like. On the same note, I want someone to look at me and just know that I am a child of God just by my actions, just by the way I talk and interact with others. Who would be the mother you would look to when you want to see glimpses of God's love?
And here is a picture of the 1st baby I ever loved...my little brother Jeffrey! He was my baby..I remember thinking..now I know where Georgia gets it from! Mothering starts young!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who make our lives sweeter!
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