*Emma's pink chair
*our dogs, Dixie & Gauge
*boxes or baskets
the list could go on and on..but I won't..instead I will tell you a few things about the my "Bitty"..
One of the cutest things she does is crawl to her room when she is tired and yank her pink Taggie blanket out of her crib and cram it in her mouth.
She will sit in her highchair and eat until the food stops. She will eat anything you give her. Then when you start to clean her up and take the tray off the chair, she starts to eat the leftovers that missed the bib!
She is sleeping great now..nap and bedtime..though still gives out a cry no matter how tired she is..I think it is just to make me feel good. She always greets us (or Emma) with wild jumping and a huge 1-toothed smile!
She thinks it is funny to do something when I tell her "no no"...pulling at the electrical socket, banging on the mirror, crawling under tight spots.
She is wonderful at mimicking..she tries to say anything we do and usually succeeds..lately she says..Georgia, baby, ball, water, more..she also scrunches up her nose and snorts..with a big smile, of course.
She loves to sing and dance with us..she bounces around and tries to do the hand motions to "Wheels on the bus"..and says "round and round" while bobbing her head.
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