Emmaline Jade is now 2 and a half.
On this day last year, Mommy was running around the neighborhood and jumping on trampolines to try and bring her sister into this world.
Emma has changed and grown up so much..
Just a few things about my girl!!
You are SO prissy and girlie..where do you get it from (seriously, cause it isn't me)??
You love exclaiming "Oooh, it's pretty." "Oooh, nook Mommy!" or throwing a fancy fit if you don't get to wear the outfit you want. (You usually get your way, because it is just not worth it!)
You have really thinned out and have nice muscles in your legs!! I would like to think you will be a great runner, gymnast or dancer..you love to dance and twirl!
You love school. It says on your paper each day, that your favorite activity is chapel or music class. I would say that sums it up..you love to sing, do hand motions (Wheels on the bus, He's got the whole world) and sway to the music.
You love dress-up. That is your favorite activity by far. You have many dresses, crowns, wands, gloves, purses, shoes, tutus, etc. I love watching your imagination go wild.
You are pretty much day-potty trained. We don't even try at night time. But we are proud of you, though we do have bumps in the road.
You love your sissy and ask about her first thing in the morning. You are rough with her but are getting more used to her new mobility.
You don't like naps anymore, but you still need them..you throw a good fit, but I always win!!
You wake up early in the morning, like 7-ish, and roam the house, usually trying to find candy in places and eating it. But you are pretty good about letting Mommy sleep!
You still love animals and are now not afraid of cats and birds. You will actually go and try to pick up a cat and introduce yourself..(Hi, my name is Emma)
You are getting more and more picky when you eat. You will eat the food one day and then act like you can't stand it the next. You do love fruit/crackers/juice/milk/PB&J/cheese/sandwich meats/broccoli/green beans. Oh and don't let me forget to mention your LOVE of "nee" - candy - your favorites are gummy bears and sour patch kids!
You like to get dirty. You love to play outside and swim and swing. You like to watch movies (Cinderella) and tv (Dora) and would probably do it all the time if I let you!
Your favorite thing to say right now is "Georgia is a bad dirl. She can't go in the bathroom."...G always tries to play in the potty or crawl in the bathtub.
You are a very sweet girl. You tell me people you love all the time and want me to sing songs with their names in them. You pray for lots of people each night and get excited when we say "In Jesus name, Amen"
You hate when I brush your hair and still wear your headbands all wrong..you look like a hippy when you do.
You give the best hugs and kisses and people tell us everywhere how beautiful your green eyes are! Your eyes are still changing from blue to green, so who know's when they will stop and what they will look like!
Emma Jade..Daddy & I love you so much and are so proud of how much you have grown and learned over the last 2.5 years. You are a wonderful big sister and the love of our lives!!