I decided one way to keep the girls awake a bit longer would be icecream!
I mean, is there anything better than icecream in a warm car with the sun shining on you??
What was I thinking??
an Oreo Blizzard split in 2 cups, each with a spoon..a long spoon I might add..Georgia kept gagging herself with!

What was I thinking??
dripping sugar in carseats for 30 minutes while watching an episode of Clifford..

What was I thinking??
tired toddlers that started to get that glazed look on their faces after a few bites..
What was I thinking??
a sticky, white mess on the buckle and straps from a 16 month old who is now using the empty cup as a shoe..
What was I thinking??
an almost empty cup stuck between the legs of a passed out 2 year old..who was relatively clean after it all was said and done..

What was I thinking??
arriving home and beginning to undertake the clean up process, using an uncounted number of wipes on little sister's entire body, big sister wakes up from the squeals and in a fog says, "Where's my icecream? I want my icecream!"

So I guess I was thinking that they would love it..and that the mess wasn't that big of a deal..and that I would get a bite or 3 of a Blizzard..and hey, they did take naps in their own beds that day, but so did I!
I love it when a plan comes together!!
i have so many of those moments!!! Glad it all worked out, Missing you!!!
Your girls are too cute!!!
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