Oh what could be cuter than
these blonde pigtails munching on some yummy popcorn??
Nothing!Georgia is changing into a little girl before our eyes. She is holding her own and turning into quite the little sissy. She can pull big wads of hair out of her sister's head and then be loving on her with a hug in a split second.
I ask her if she wants a spanking and she'll say "
no" in her little sweet voice, almost like she is scared of it. It cracks me up everytime.

Her favorite thing to do right now is to point out and name body parts. She sits on my lap and says,
"Eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ears, hair, head, belly button, bottom, toes".. She has a really sweet, soft voice and speaks clearly.

Just this week she started to give kisses where she opens her mouth and makes a loud smacking sound. I love it and ask for a lot of them!! She also sometimes will blow a raspberry on my cheek instead of kiss and giggle with excitement that she tricked me!

Another thing G is into saying is "poo poo" and pointing or pulling at her diaper and at toilets, so I guess we are on the cusp of her figuring out this whole potty issue..something I am not ready to embark!!.. :)
Just wanted to throw in some cute pics of little sis during this busy week of Emma's 3rd birthday fun!

We go to the dr. next week for 18 month & 3 year check-ups, then to CS to visit family and friends!!
Love this! What a little sweetie! I cant wait to see you guys! Love you all!
Love this! What a little sweetie! I cant wait to see you guys! Love you all!
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