We spent 90% of the day outside in hopes of wearing them out: walking, going to the park, eating lunch, getting icecream & driving Mommy crazy in the process of jumping in water-slush puddles and eating gum off the ground, playing basketball and riding bikes and drinking out of the dog bowl. It was a fan-tastic day! I am tired.
Why do kids act so different when you are out of your element..i.e. at grandparents' house??? Is it just mine? Do we need an intervention?? Maybe SuperNanny??
I know what I do need is a green beer!! What I wouldn't do...
So cute! Definitely agree about the behavior change at grandparents. Naps are hard to come by and bedtime is always later. Max and I might be in San Antonio in early April, we'd love to meet your little ones and catch up!
Congrats on baby #3! You are such a fun mom!
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