We decided (last minute) to have a birthday party at home with our friends for HB and Georgia. I knew I wanted to do something football/cheerleader related so I made an executive decision on Wednesday that we would have one this Sunday. That way next weekend is free if we want to head to Aggieland for the game. It has been raining here for the last 3 days (at least a hard rain each day) and there is lightning and thunder tonight..the power went out and the girls and dogs are freaking a bit..Gauge is sweet and won't leave the girls' bedside! Dixie is practically up my rear whenever I go anywhere..noone knows what this wet stuff is falling from the sky!
I sent out an evite (I know it's kindof tacky but I didn't have time to do invites and we only invited a few people who knew about the party) and sent one to Daniel so he knew what I had on my mind. When he got home, I had to make him read it..he was game of course..he always is for a party! So I put him in charge of chili, hotdogs & football!

Well, I have a tendency to get all these ideas in my head and then have a hard time deciding which ones I want to do! Finally, after lots of thought and searches for the perfect party props, I found what I wanted. I chose: decorate and make your own megaphone (out of construction paper), decorate pennants, football toss game, pom-poms and some other cute goodies like bubble gum tape and candy mouth pieces! We also used our fun cups from the Padre weekend..love the lids and straws!!

I also was most excited about making an icecream cake! It was SOOO yummy..and really pretty easy and just a little more exciting then cupcakes & icecream!

(in process, layering the icecream between cake) I did a chocolate devil's food cake, vanilla icecream layered in the middle and a fondue chocolate sauce on top, then topped off with whipped cream and cherries!! My kids were licking the plate, but I'm sure noone is surprised there! I can't wait to try other flavors...like sherbert & vanilla icecream (thanks to Katie)..they are so expensive in the store, but pretty easy to make! Mine is just not as pretty, but I am not too proud to serve it!

Of course, I brought out the glitter glue and that makes things crazy but kids love it..it is worth the .99 to see their expressions! So the megaphones didn't go over so well, but they loved making them..and they love yelling threw them too! The pennants were really cute..we hotglued a stick to them and let them put whatever on them they wanted. They were marching through the house waving their pennants! It was WILD with 8 kids and HB couldn't keep up and kept getting trampled but he survived!

(the only boys of 9 playing sweet together)HB got some sweet little animals and a puzzle. I asked people to only bring 1 present..so the running joke was "Who is my favorite kid?"

Georgia never put on her cheerleader outfit or let me put her hair up but she had a blast. She received a baby Rapunzel doll, Dr. Puppy kit, a horsey nightgown & a hand-me-down BIKE..

She had no idea it was not new...she loves it and is still getting the hang of it- it seriously fits her perfectly!!! We are letting her pick out her own helmet tomorrow! Emmaline is a bit jealous which makes perfect sense and I feel for her, but she is getting to play with plenty of fun stuff.

(someone has perfected the cheerleader pose, maybe..I don't really know..it looks like something they do)I think the excitement of birthday month H**L is over, finally. I, personally, am looking forward to nothing for a while! Thank you very much!

(Can you tell here that G is saying,
Hands Off Sista!)
So it was a success and the kids had so much fun!G has been really sweet hugging me saying how much fun she had! I love how it all turned out and had fun getting all my football things out! I think this may be my fall decorations for the season! So thankful to all my sweet friends for coming on a Sunday evening..it was a long weekend but fun! THANK GOD for all this rain & great friends to hug on!!