My little Georgie is 3 years old! It doesn't seem like she should be three but it seems like she is older most of the time..kindof, or not really, I don't really know. You know what I mean?? OK, so either way she is definitely 3 (trust me, I remember that blessed event of her birth pretty well)
..so my top 3 things about G:
1. She is loved by everyone - kids, adults, strangers. They want to be around her, ask where she is, laugh with her, smile at her...so I guess I'm saying she and her smile are contagious..in a good way!

2. She is spunky and a go-getter and full of life. I hope she channels that determination into something wonderful..I guess that is where me as her parent comes in. She makes things happen the way she wants them to and otherwise it doesn't go so well for those around her!
3. She is super cute..her voice goes from soft and sweet to loud and demanding in 2 seconds flat. She doesn't talk much but when she does she expects you to listen. Kindof the same way she goes through life..she takes her time and watches what is going on before she jumps into whatever activity is going on, but when she decides to get going..watch out, she is full force!!
Georgia, we love you so much and have been thrilled watching you every step of the way in this life. You are FUN and remind me to not take things too seriously. You love for me to hold you like a baby and sing to you..do it again, Mommy! is a phrase I am sure I will miss terribly. You are a Daddy's girl and ask for him often and have become quite the girly girl when playing with Emmaline. You have been giving sweet kisses all over people lately and Hayes-ma'am smiles when you gently give him some! You are too funny, you know and you use it to your advantage! I just hope you know how loved and beautiful you are inside your little petite body and outside! Right now, you demand to wear the clothes you pick out and want to have freedom to change them when you want. You prefer your shoes on the wrong feet and don't like wearing your hair up for long. You love to pray, count, sing songs and not use your manners, but I catch a thank you or please so I know you are listening! You still love your nap and your blankies! You don't really care about tv but will put on the Wiggles if Emmaline lets you and dance around. You are a pretty picky eater and have a flair for the dramatic! Lately, you tell me God tells you that Emmaline needs a spanking or that God made your tummy hurt, etc..and your many facial expressions are priceless!! It takes a lot for me not to laugh at you when you are so serious. Daddy and I are excited about watching you grow up to see just where your personality takes you! Happy Birthday, God Bless YOU, my Georgie!
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