Today, I had scheduled HB & G's well checks at the dr. and Emmaline's dental check-up. I decided to add Georgia to the dentist cause I didn't want to have to go back in less than 6 months. I wasn't excited to say the least and had bad mojo feelings about it all.
We started with HB crying in the middle of the night for no apparent reason other than teething and what is a Mom going to do but try and ignore him after awhile (yes, I checked on him. Please don't call me..). So I slept in cause I was tired from hearing him cry. We rushed out the door and made it to the dr. on time. We get called back quickly and start the measuring..
Georgia's 3 yr. old stats: 36 inches (50th%) and 30 pounds (50th%) she is hanging out in the middle! We will just have to wait in see how she fairs when she is a teen!
Hayes was last with his shots..He had 4 total..he was not a happy camper with big tears but was over it once I was able to hold him. So all in all we got out of there with no real drama! YEA!
Next, was Chick-fil-A on our way to the dentist..the dreaded dentist. Our pedi dentist is a referral and it was the closest one that our insurance will pay. Have I mentioned how much I despise the whole insurance fiasco. So we drive 20 minutes away to downtown, enter the parking garage and pay to park. annoys me. I love the people there and I love the dentist. My kids feel pretty comfortable there. But the waiting room could use some updating not to mention that I feel like I am across the border when I am there. I am pretty sure our blondies are the only ones they see every 6 months! OK, anyway, so I like it because they only take the kids back and the parents are asked to wait. SCORE for me! So me and HB said a little prayer for no cavities and what do you know...It worked!! Both girls are good to go for another 6 months! Yea! G got a behavior score of 3-4 out of 5 and E got a 4/5, so not too bad.
Then we headed home for naps. The girls have AWANA on Wednesday night. They are memorizing Bible verses and having so much fun. I really love this program. Emmaline's had done really well and picked up on it so fast. Georgia doesn't seem to really understand it much, but got the verse at least!
SO overall it was a great and really productive day! I even made it to the grocery store while they were at church.
Thank you Lord, prayer works and today was a good day!
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