We had a busy and long week but it was good. We got all of our errands done and even had time for Thai food one day. The girls had so much fun at school and always say "today was my favorite day"! They are also both doing well at Awanas. Emmaline learns her verses quickly and is enthusiastic about it. Georgia is not as into it. She doesn't seem to understand what she is supposed to do and fights it a little. They both always leave with a sticker meaning they correctly said the verse though I think G's teachers give hints since they are the youngest class. I have been using my hour of freedom (with Hayes of course) at the grocery store which is nice. I may start walking with Leslie though.

Gymnastics is a hit also! They love their coaches and practice doing rolls, cartwheels and backbends all the time. I'm glad E has a male coach, Coach Josh, because she is usually more shy around men. She seems to love him so I hope that helps her confidence. G has Coach Kelly who is strict. I don't think she realizes sometimes they are 3 and it makes me laugh. I do think it is good for G to have her.. She needs a little toughness to make her get in line, wait her turn and follow directions. Both girls ask to go all week! I'm really happy with my decision of activity for them to do!

I have gotten an itch to clean out and organize all the drawers and cabinets in the house so that is pretty much taking all my free time.. It feels so good to throw out a bunch or junk and be able to see what I have. I still have a ways to go but am happy to have little projects. I also got all my Fall decor out and swapped the girls seasonal clothes. So what if it's 100 outside still.. I'll pretend Fall is here!
Friday evening we walked the neighborhood while the girls rode bikes. G did great and picked it up so fast. Dinner was yummy, we ate another helping of icecream cake with lots of cherries on top and then the kids took a shower in swimsuits.

They think it is so fun and it is the easiest way to bathe 3 kids for sure! It was a good family night!

Saturday Georgia and I had a 'date'. We went to breakfast, got her 3 year pictures made and shopped a bit. All she wanted from her shopping spree was a balloon! That's easy... My dad said to get her 2 because that would be the cheapest shopping trip I'll ever have with her from now on! Ha!

G did so good at the picture place then all of a sudden she was d-o-n-e. The girl was trying to get G to stand up and pose by this chair. It wasn't going to happen at this point. She said to me, "could you get her to stand up?" Ummm, NO! I was like.. "I am not trying to be rude.. But I really can't force her to stand up without her completely losing it." So we were done. Georgia picked out her outfits and her hair (a braid) for the pictures..I wasn't about to force anything else!

We shopped a bit and headed home quick for football funday! Reveille was on the porch and 2 flat screens were set up in the living room! We had a good time with the kids and relaxed. Bama and the Aggies played at the same time.. 2 big opponents. I was nervous! Well, the Aggies kicked ass the 1st half while Bama looked asleep. Then it pretty much flip-flopped and Bama blew them out and the Ags lost.. I was so sad for them. So close!! The McLeans came over and played, ate and drank with us til 11. Daniel even brought out his Letter Jacket if you can imagine the conversations surrounding that one.. And we may have thawed out one of my breastmilk bags and gave it to a baby who was hungry and out of food (but I'm not naming names!). It was a lot of fun...I love last minute get togethers! Ainsley spent the night so the girls were loving life! I got to sleep in Sunday AM and then I took the girls to the park to meet up with the McLeans again... We walked the trails and watched the kids fall off the merry-go-round a few times. Those things are crazy dangerous!
Finally, I got to go shopping all by my lonesome! Thanks to my mom for the idea and $$!!
It was a good week. Let's just hope the football scores look a little better this weekend.
1 comment:
I love G's sweet little 3 year old pictures! She is so grown up and such a doll! Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!
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