After finding out Schlitterbahn was closed we were bummed, but our plan B was just as exciting...we checked in to the hotel, changed into our suits and headed to the beach! HB was adorable to watch as he would crawl super fast towards the water and then when the waves came in he would get scared and turn around and crawl even faster trying to get away! It was hilarious as he did this over and over again. Emmaline wanted to go way out and liked the waves. Georgia preferred to stay on shore barely getting her toes in the water. We did coax her out after a while.

HB really liked it at first but he tumbled a few times under the water and swallowed a lot and his little eyes were burning too! He was over it, so we went to the shower.

We ran straight for the pool! Once again, Emmaline jumped right in and G was on the side not so sure. Hayes liked splashing and kicking. They almost all 3 fell asleep at the pool so we went to the room for naps. It was great!

By the time we woke up everyone else had shown up and it was dinner time. We ate at a little run down place with great food. HB had a blow-out diaper and I was unprepared without a change of clothes. SHOCKER! The night ended with the kids in bed and the adults outside the room, drinking wine, chatting about the full moon & listening to the waves only yards away!

Sunday, after my parents kept the girls in their room for the night, we beached it up one more time, followed by the pool and lunch before me and the kids and my mom left for SA. The men stayed for another round of hunting with Gauge!! They hit their limit and loved it. We had a long drive home and got ready for our 1st MOPS meeting the next morning. Thank goodness my mom was there to help me out! I was tired!!
Overall it was a great weekend and I do hope the tradition continues.
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