Friday, November 11, 2011

Hayes Bryant is 14 months old!!

What a sweetie..cuddly little angel boy...he is super cute!. Not that I am biased! ;)
He is now being a true B-O-Y..playing in the dirt..knocking over the trash can multiple times a day and just plain throwing every single thing he comes in contact with..who knew I would be able to tell a difference in sexes like this! Oh well..we love our little man no doubt!
The girls call him, "Biscuell" - it's the best I know how to write it..I said one day, 'like a biscuit (sounds like it in the beginning)..we should call him Honey Biscuit for HB!' I thought it was cute and went together..Daniel said.."what about Honey Bear! Like Bear Bryant, duh" maybe he didn't say duh, but it came across the who knows what his actual nickname will become!!..he is our everything!!
*He has learned to walk (and run!!), squat(and pick up stuff and stand back up) and eat an amazing amount of food!
*He got his first bloody lip by stepping off the front porch...his lip skin was wrapped around his top tooth (he has 4 total) and luckily the blood stopped or I may have taken him in to the ER..he was upset and I was thinking this may be what breaks him of the paci, but he powered through and was able to suck, HA! He was jumping off the couch in no time at all!
*Some people say he looks so BIG and then others are like, he looks so little for his age...who knows!!! We are just loving his sweetness..and yes, he still loves his Paci and seems to like his blankies too..
*He sleeps great..1-2 naps, bed at 8 and up around 8am! Goes to sleep easily!!
*He also has learned to answer with a head nod 'YES' or shake 'NO'. We ask if he is hungry (and he just ate) and he shakes a big 'YES'. He pauses like he is really thinking about the question before he answers and then goes full on NOD! So cute! I asked if he loved his paci and he shook a resounding 'YES'..sigh, I doubt I will ever be able to force him to give it up..he steals my heart!
*Also, this week he started to mimic the girls when they do gymnastic tricks, like cartwheels...he puts his head on the groud and flops his body over and just pretty much keeps going around and around in a circle..then stops and laughs!
*He is SO proud of himself when he climbs somewhere or does something he shouldn't (like destroy my purse in 5 seconds!)!
*He is still in love with his Daddy and cries everytime I go to pick him up at the the gym or elsewhere!(I guess he thinks I am going to leave him again??)
*At the girls' gymnastics, he escapes from me and bear crawls (he is SO FAST) to the blue mat where G does her thing..and I can usually scoop him up in time..but there was a hole in one part of the 'ring' and he crawled under the trampoline..I almost tried to follow him enough to grab his foot but didn't..everyone was staring at the time I stood up he had crawled up the foam steps to the top of the tramp and was like a cat going around the trampoline mat..I had to jog all the way around the fenced off area and snag him up. He thought it was hilarious as did the other parents!
*The same day as the escape at gymnastics, he had an awful diaper..I got the girls to their class and was changing him..OOPS, no diapers left (I hadn't been home all day) and I had an hour worth of gym time left. So I used a thin changing pad and wrapped it around his behind..buttoned him up and hoped for the best....yeah, didn't work! Within 20 minutes he had peed and was stomping in it..a little girl was standing next to him and said, "Um, he had an accident and he's playing in it!" - true story! So that was my Thursday afternoon..and did I mention Daniel had to work late that night?!! - Seriously we got home from gymnastics at 5:30, they were fed by 6 and I was at my gym by 6:30 on the elliptical in childless bliss!! Sometimes all you need is the right motivation!! - {ok, sorry digression...back to my HB}
What a big, sweet handsome little man!! We love you and all your 14 month old glory!! Roll Tide, Bear!!

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