Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wurstfest and fun and not so fun stuff

Our neighbors gave us free tickets to Wurstfest..a nearby festival full of beer & sausage!
We finally got to see what all the fuss is about. It was lots of fun and the kids loved it!
HB loved the corn on the cob and the girls loved watching everyone with their crazy hats,
riding the rides and the hot chocolate! Daniel and I enjoyed the beer and sausages on a stick..I love how they end their 'sampler stick' with a dessert sausage! YUM!
We ran into Brie Berry which was crazy and random but fun eventhough she asked "Are all those your kids??" Why yes they are!!
I would love to go back and enjoy the night with a bunch of friends..definitely a yearly thing!!
Another fun outing was to a birthday party. We got to do the Pump It Up and this time HB got to join us!
He was a wild man and was flirting so much he picked up an older girl! If we weren't moving I think I would have found a new babysitter! She loved him and he definitely liked her!
The girls had fun celebrating Giulia's birthday and we got to meet her new twin brother and sister!
I love the Fall and feel like it has flown by. I'm sad football is almost over with and am not ready to have a million Chrismas presents under the tree. Heck, I'm not ready to have a tree! So this whole moving thing is a real downer.
Did I mention that I hate packing and moving and going through the motions of finding new doctors, getting my carpet cleaned, cancelling cable service and waiting all day long for someone to actually to show up? Life is crazy right now! Crazy I tell you! And can I just say before I shut up that I think Christmas time is the worst time to sale your house. You realize how much stuff you have and can't really imagine wanting to buy anything ever again - it doesn't really matter if it's for yourself or someone else..they probably don't need it either! HA! I will get in the Christmas spirit soon..hey, we have lights on outside and some decorations out..we're getting there!! FALALALALA...

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