Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hayes Bryant is 16 months!!

So today HB is 16 months and keeping me on my toes. He was climbing ladders up the playscape today and coming head first down the tunnel slide. It was wild and tiring!
He has 5 teeth and likes to pull his sisters' hair. He also hits and throws a tantrum if you tell him NO. While I was out of town, Daniel slapped his wrist for turning off the tv (one of his favorite things to do) and he put himself in time out!
D sent me a picture of him sitting that not the most hilarious thing ever!?! loved it
He understands so much. He can follow directions really well, as long as he wants to follow them!
He comes to me and asks for me to kiss his boo-boos. He tattles on his sisters by pointing and yelling a bunch of jibber jabber. He is trying so hard to talk but we aren't understanding much. One of the sweetest things I do understand is when he says MaMa over and over again. He waits for me to look at him then he shyly smiles. It is so sweet!!
He LOVES baths and showers and stands up just to get in trouble and asked to sit down. He thinks it's hilarious!
Hayes' latest thing is saying Unn uhh but he means YES, so he is a bit confused but trying!
We love you little man!
Most of the pics were taken by my phone and are random...

He sat in a booster for the 1st was a wild time, but he did ok..He felt like a big boy for sure!

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