Thursday, January 12, 2012

RG3 and RGV

I'm not a Baylor Bear but I do love College Football, so when Leslie invited us to the Baylor Peprally I was excited! I love things like that and it gives me something to do with the kids. Besides RG3 is a celebrity now, right?!!
Daniel was home and able to stay with Hayes which was a big help! Me and the girls parked downtown and walked through Hemisfair park to the Tower of the Americas. We even saw the Catlin family and my friend Meredith and her family.
We got free swag to share with Natalie and Toodge since they were coming to the game and the kids loved the cheerleaders and music.
We ended up on top of the waterfall couldn't hear much but it was still fun to see RG3. He even turned around and waved and smiled right at us!
Now for the RGV - that stands for the Rio Grande Valley...if you didn't know and we are moving there so this is what our house looks like.. am I going to make it the next 5 days..we will see! But we are super excited about our new house that we are renting!

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