Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Blessings

We had Uncle Toodge & Aunt Natalie visit us for Easter.
It was so fun getting to pick them up from the airport and go to a new restaurant. Finally got to try the famous cheese enchiladas from Las Vegas restaurant. They were delish!
Friday night we had a blast playing games on the patio, singing songs, jumping on the trampoline and staying up way toooo late! Saturday morning came early and Natalie said the knocking on their door was lovely!
Saturday was low key with grocery shopping, some cooking and prep for Sunday lunch. We played some more games and ate lots of food throughout the whole day!
Then me and Natalie watched the boys go swimming with the kiddos. We got new floats and I am excited about all my free time when I can sit back, nap and float! And HB was a wild man!! He was diving off the steps to Daniel and would go underwater for a while then pop up smiling! He was fearless and loving it! He seriously thought he could swim..GREAT.
We had shrimp, jalapeno and bacon wraps among other yummy dips!
Me and Natalie made a white Sangria concoction which was just a white wine (1st Moscato, then Pinot Grigio) mixed with Sprite with grapes, blackberries & strawberries! It was very refreshing, versatile and will be a staple around here this summer!
We had a glow in the dark egg hunt and the kids loved it..Emmaline said, "Thank you so much for planning a fun egg hunt for us!" I didn't have a ton of eggs for them but it was neat and I think you could do so many different things like this at any time of the year.
We slept in on Sunday, cooked a delicious lunch, saw what the Easter Bunny brought and watched even more of the Masters with Sam & Juliette.
It was a wonderful day. I am so thankful for all my Easter blessings!
We know that HE is RISEN!!

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