Saturday, April 7, 2012

making Easter memories

Hayes was not a fan of the EB! Reminds me of a picture taken of me and my brothers with Toodge doing the same exact thing probably right around the same age as HB too! I must find it...
after the horrific EB experience we had icecream to celebrate!! We all SCREAM for icecream, right!?!
dying some eggs. We tried some new methods and a cool new egg spinner!!
We also had a fun glow in the dark egg hunt..I need to plan it out better next time but it has lots of possibilities for future awesomeness!
My 3 Muskateers..whether they like it or not it's one for all and all for one! {sometimes they like sometimes not so much}
Here is my attempt at an Easter least it looks bright and sweet! The poor peeps are squishing eachother!
I have been talking and praying with the kids about this special time of year. It is fun to hear them tell me about Easter and why we celebrate! Hayes now folds his sweet little hands when we pray and says 'Amen' when we are done with a slight nod! {LOVE}
And because some things are just too is my middle and afternoon nap! I can still smell her hair and feel her warm body heaving up and down with tired breaths. I had stuff I needed to do, but soaked up every minute it lasted!
"And on the third day he rose again.."

Happy Easter from way down here in the Valley!

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