Nevertheless, I am always up for a concert, did I mention it was free?! I am always up for free and always up for free-dom from the kids for a few hours! I found a sitter after much calling around who could stay for a few hours then my father in law, Sam, was going to be here to take over the reigns of sleeping kids until we got home around midnight! I was excited and so ready to go! I honestly like the people we were riding and it was entertaining to hear them go on and on and on about nothing much! My being pregnant was a big source of "I feel so bad for you having to deal with us" and "I'm sorry you can't drink" and "what do you think you're having?" and "Oh, I miss being pregnant!"
We showed up to the big white tent and took our seats for a steak dinner and open bar. There was a nice live auction, but I was hoping for a silent auction. I'm not brave enough for the live ones but love "winning" something on the silent ones! After dinner and drinks and meeting a Senator, we were just about ready to head over the the arena for the concert when I felt my phone vibrate. I had a missed call and a text from Sam asking us to call. It was 8:25. I had a tinge of worry in me, so I made Daniel call. I hear Daniel saying, "So the blood stopped?" - that is just what every mom wants to hear, right?!
Our friends were all around us talking and laughing and all I was trying to do was read Daniel's face to catch an idea of what was happening. He tells Sam to 'get her in the car and head to the ED and I'll put in a call and let them know you're coming.' Daniel hangs up and tells George, his work friend, to call the ED and let them know Georgia is on her way with a gash in her head. All the while I'm still lost as to what happened. Daniel explains what he knows which isn't much. Georgia fell and cut her head. The blood stopped. Thankfully, the babysitter was still there and Sam was too so he could take her and the sitter could watch the other 2. That was a huge blessing and probably dictated what happened the next few hours.
So, while walking towards the concert we called and texted and tried to get info about the severity of the situation. George talked to the charge nurse and she was aware of them coming and would be in contact with us letting us know exactly what was going on. That was also huge! We really did think about leaving and our friends were going to go with us and were supportive but we were torn. What could we really do to change anything other than be by her side for comfort - which I wanted so badly? Sam had it under control. G wasn't crying, the ED (which I still call the ER) was wonderful, took them back immediately, got her a new pink t-shirt and then fixed up with stickers and stuffed animals.
So, we stayed in close contact with Sam and the nurse, found out the dr on call was 'the best' - like they would say otherwise - and felt better when the nurse texted that Georgia was great, didn't need a ct scan but would need stitches. Sam said she hadn't cried and the babysitter was fine at the house with the other 2, who were sleeping. At this point Blake Shelton was about to start, already heard Jarod Neiman, so we decided to stick it out.
Honestly, I was relieved to not have to be there for the stitches. I had to do that with Emmaline when she was 17 months and it was not fun for either of us.
(Emmaline with her 2 stitches!)
Way worse than shots and just so sad. I even mentally already planned on Daniel having to take her to get them taken out. That plan has failed already.
Here we are enjoying our 2nd row seats at the concert. I don't really understand when people record every song on their cell phones at a concert? Do you really go home and watch it back? I guess I can't imagine doing that more than once. I did take a few pictures for the ole blog though. I did enjoy when Blake sung Cee-lo's "Forget you" song among his usual favorites!
We got home at midnight. It was a long evening, fun, but slightly stressful but I knew she was being cared for wonderfully. Sam filled us in when we got home. They gave her numbing gel then did the stitches. She made it part of the way through then needed a shot to better numb the area. She ended up with 6 stitches. The only time she cried was when 3 men held her down for the stitches and the shot. Then he said she was fine once she allowed to get up. She never complained of a headache so that was good. She also didn't want to tell anyone what happened. She told me this morning that Emmaline had pushed her off Hayes' bed and she hit her head on the green toy. Guess we need to throw that toy out, right!?! So the truth came out and there was an apology.
Georgia has been a trooper and not complained at all. Sam was a hero and he and Georgia definitely had some bonding time! The sitter felt so bad because she was sweeping the playroom and not with the kids when it happened. Not a big deal. I probably wouldn't have been in there either. You can't control everything!
So that is how I earned my Mother of the Year award! I stayed at a country music concert while my 4 year old got stitches in her forehead. And I actually managed to have fun. And so did Baby #4 who is half way done baking!! I did rush to her side about 3 times through the night to check on her and kept her home from school, though she wanted to go. We had a fun day and I gave in to her every whim - donuts, painting, lunch out, cartoons and cuddles!
What have you done to earn Mother of the Year title lately??
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