After much planning, we finally had the kids' Pirate Party.

This party was for my youngest girl and my only boy so it had to be unisex and something they would both like! I was going to do Pirates & Pixies but didn't really like the pixie part of it so we went with Pirates and did a pink and black theme! There is some really cute stuff out there and fun ideas too! I wanted it to be easy for me and Daniel during the party and with activities that young kids could do without too much fuss. I made all the food ahead of time so noone was cooking or prepping anything during the party. I'm sure this is a no brainer but I'm not always satisfied with food like that.

I actually ordered the cake from Wal-mart and after a peptalk felt so much better about that decision. I just didn't have time to do the big Pirate Ship cake like I wanted to and I knew that added stress wasn't worth it, so I let someone else do it and it was perfectly fine.

{party wreath I did quick but is cute and versatile!}
We also had planned on the birthday party being on a Friday night, of their birthday weekend but decided with family in it would be too hectic, so we switched weekends. I really loved having the party on a Friday evening and loved even more having my Saturday to relax and do nothing. I printed the invitations from a Pinterest link and loved that they worked for both boy and girl.

Our menu was: hotdogs (in a crockpot), Pioneer Woman's prairie sushi (tortilla cream cheese & turkey rolls), mini PB&Js, mini pimento cheese sandwiches, goldfish, chips, frozen grapes, strawberries, raisins, cake and icecream cones. I had chocolate rolos and chocolate coins around the house and I'm pretty sure my kids ate only those and Capri Suns the entire night!

We had a great turn out and it was just the right number of guests, about 15 kids. Most of the people were from MOPS and the kids' school, so they knew eachother and played wonderfully together! It was nice getting the husbands together since the moms hang out already.

The 1st thing I had the little pirates do was pop a balloon to earn their eye patch! Then they were to go to the backyard to walk the plank (a balance beam made by Daniel) to get their polka dot bandana. The next thing to earn was a gold gabloon necklace and they played a ring toss pirate ship game, thanks to the McLeans loaning it to me.
The favorite activity of the party was the treasure chest hunt aka digging through sand box for coins, necklalces, rings, bubbles, & jewels. They did this for hours and then my kids have done it numerous times since then. The kids also loved the trampoline and swingset as usual. Another thing I had planned was face painting. I wanted to get a babysitter to come and do this, but couldn't find one, so a mom was nice enough to do this and the older kids loved it as well! This was the other favorite activity of the party.

I was shocked Hayes let my friend completely paint his face. He was a puppy dog and very proud of it! The dads also were in charge of making balloon swords, but ended up just making whatever they could figure out, like a puppy or flower. Once again, the kids loved this!

Right before we sang Happy Birthday and had cake the kids got their mini treasure chests and got to decorate them with stick on jewels! I really liked these and they are a pretty good size for a party favor!

It was a fun party and the kids loved all their presents they got! The cake was yummy and the icecream cones were a hit!

So what if I took hardly any pictures and the kids ended up looking more like they went to a carnival than a pirate party..they had a blast and Georgia was super sweet and said, "
thank you Mommy for letting my friends come over and having a birthday party for me!"
Happy Birthday to my sweet Georgia and Hayes!
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