The night before we left for Christmas vacation our younger two babies had their 1st Christmas play at their little school. The school is fairly new and only has 3 small classes but I do love it and I love their teachers.
I received a note from G's teachers weeks ago stating she needed to be dressed in all pink because she was to be a sow in the play. A Pig! Why couldn't she be Mary or the Star or something a little more prominent?? Oh well...but Georgia was not really thrilled to be a pig or to wear pink.

I never really heard anything from Hayes' teacher so I finally remembered to ask her and she said they had their costumes..the 2 year olds would be lambs! Easy enough, right?!

One day I was dropping off G at school and Georgia proclaimed to her teacher out of the blue, "I don't have any pink!" ok....when we finally figured it out we both looked at eachother and laughed..she was just letting her know her displeasure in having to wear pink..which I now know she doesn't like..She even recently told my mom, when choosing boots, to return the pink ones and she would take the only other color - black! That same day her teacher told me she was going to have Georgia be something with actual lines and not just an
oink but that she is so strong willed that she knew if she wasn't in the mood to participate she just wouldn't..there was no coaxing her from the side stage. She said she is definitely a leader in class but she decided not to chance it! I was glad to know her teacher knew her personality well enough!

So needless to say, on the afternoon of her play when I was trying to get her dressed, Georgia was not happy and refused to put on pink. I think I had to bribe her with something...can't remember. We finally made it to the church with good attitudes. The kids had been singing all the songs for weeks and I knew G's class was going to be doing handbells. I helped Hayes put on his little lamb was so adorable, especially with his white-blonde hair.

Georgia's class came out 1st, they did some songs, used their handbells and then it was Hayes' turn. They marched out in their matching lamb costumes and sat on the bottom steps. He was looking around and then finally found me and Emmaline. Daniel was sitting in our original seats (I had moved closer to get some pics). He was waving and saying,
'Hi Mommy! Where's Daddy? Hi Emmy!' It was so cute and funny cause he was pretty loud and just kept repeating himself.

During the actual play G did great, did her oinks, sang her songs and did the hand motions. She was kindof the ring leader of the animals! It was a successful and fun performance and we got to have juice and cookies afterwards! Maybe next time G will get an actual speaking part, but she didn't seem to notice much! I did get lots more video than pictures..feel like I'm slacking here. I'm thankful they can go to a school that celebrates and puts effort into these kinds of things!
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