Yesterday we had to say goodbye to Gauge, our black laborador. He was one of our babies before we had babies. I got him for Daniel, from a family in Brenham, while we were dating. He was born the day after Halloween in 2002. He was a wonderful retriever and hunting dog. He would fetch until he literally passed out. He loved Daniel and it was fun seeing him get so excited when Daniel would be readying the hunting gear. Gauge also loved to be petted. He wouldn't leave you alone until you pet him and then once you did he wouldn't leave your side!

Gauge was very sweet, always wagging his tail (that knocked everything over) and a protector of his family. He got along with everyone and was "such a puppy" even at 10!

I remember this one time, when Emmaline was a baby, I was pregnant and we lived in Mississippi, I walked regularly at the little park in town. I liked to take one of the dogs with me just for exercise and protection. It seemed there was always stray dogs and things around. I chose to take Gauge that day. I would be lying if I said he wasn't on my bad list at this point. Not for anything more than his shedding, stealing Emmaline's snacks, always seeming to be in the way. I wanted him out of my baby's face! Well, this particular day we were cruising around the path and there came a stray dog running across the cemetary. I could see him running towards us, Emmaline in the stroller and Gauge off somewhere peeing on another flower bush. I called Gauge toward me in hopes it would keep the dog away in time for me to get E in the car. I get nervous with other dogs around, especially when I don't know them and they seem aggressive. I could just see my baby's toes or face bit off and the unknown or possibilities scared me.

Gauge earned his keep that day and I fell in love with him all over again. He stood his ground between us and that dog, who was aggressive. He growled and his hair stood up and he wouldn't let him near us. I was never more thankful for him and so proud of him. He went from being this silly playful puppy to our big protector. Obviously we made it to the car ok and I was able to get Gauge loaded up without them getting into a fight or any problems. But he made me feel safe! And he went on a lot more walks with us from then on!
Gauge-man, we will miss you and all you brought to our family. We have had lots of talks with the kids about you being in heaven, free from pain and sadness, seeing your mom and dad. Emmaline said you are an angel now and flying around having fun with God. Thank you for all the memories of you swimming in the pool, giving kisses, sneaking into the kids' rooms to sleep by them and cleaning the floors for me so I didn't have to mop as often! I know Dixie is going to be sad without you too. We love you and won't forget you!
1 comment:
So SORRY!!! We just did this with Bud a month ago. After 12 years, four moves, and two kids. Thinking of y'all!!!!
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