So I tried to do another photo-op, like I did with Emma last Halloween, but of Georgia in a pumpkin... I got the pumpkin all carved & ready.. we go outside and set up.. Georgia was already mad before we began.. I try and squeeze her inside the pumpkin.. she wouldn't fit and was not happy.. so I thought we would go inside to get a knife and try again later.. WELL... a few hours later, we head back outside and I look to see where the pumpkin was and it was gone!! Yes, gone.. I was confused..but only for a second! I see my happy dogs! They had eaten my pumpkin.. the one I had worked so hard on... I was mad!
Emma at 7 mo. in 2007But I got revenge... or the pumpkin did... Gauge has had diarrhea for the last few days, so maybe he learned his lesson! :{
I guess Georgia got lucky and didn't have to get stuck inside a pumpkin... I hate to miss a photo-op so I may have to do it later..
Here are some random pics from the last few weeks!!

Roll Tide!! What a game last night against LS Who??

This pic is priceless and so true of her personality!
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