Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pinch me!

It's St. Patty's Day and we enjoyed it here in sunny CS..
We spent 90% of the day outside in hopes of wearing them out: walking, going to the park, eating lunch, getting icecream & driving Mommy crazy in the process of jumping in water-slush puddles and eating gum off the ground, playing basketball and riding bikes and drinking out of the dog bowl. It was a fan-tastic day! I am tired. Gearing up for another hoopla of a day. BUT..It is girls' night out tomorrow and I plan on taking full advantage!!
Why do kids act so different when you are out of your element..i.e. at grandparents' house??? Is it just mine? Do we need an intervention?? Maybe SuperNanny??
I know what I do need is a green beer!! What I wouldn't do...


Cristina said...

So cute! Definitely agree about the behavior change at grandparents. Naps are hard to come by and bedtime is always later. Max and I might be in San Antonio in early April, we'd love to meet your little ones and catch up!

Cristina said...

Congrats on baby #3! You are such a fun mom!