"Hi Mom!" - that is her favorite and most used phrased these days..she walks into a room or wherever I am and says it real casually like she is all grown up!
Georgia is wild, but sweet and oh so cute!
I love her bleach blonde hair with a tinge of curl to it. I don't want to cut it ever.

She wears size 4 diapers and about a size 5 shoe. She is in 18-24 month clothes, more or less. She still likes to take her shoes off, no matter where she is. She also likes to take off her diaper. Her teachers at MDO said she strips down in her crib during nap time! Her teachers, Ms. Sandy & Sharon, wrote some things about the kids in class..they said "
Georgia, what a cutie, she lights up the room with her smile and everyone always wants to hug and hold her. She is our doll baby."
She has gotten really wild in the bath tub. I think she is copying Emma who is now "practicing" for swim class by laying out and sticking her head under water. G also likes to put one side of her face in and just smile at me. She thinks she is so grown up!

She is currently attached to her B (pink taggies blanket) and her baby doll. She would prefer to take them everywhere but I'm not really into that.
She has lots of teeth and is currently getting her molars which is causing her to love any pacifier she finds..I think it's cute, but Daniel doesn't like it.

She loves food still and will take forever to eat. She prefers meat and dips, like ketchup. She is polite and will ask,
"more, please!" We just took off the front of her crib, so she can get in and out by herself. So far so good..she is locked in her room, but has free reign there. She doesn't seem to really notice any difference, though!

Emma really wants them to share a bed, but when asked Georgia will shake her head and say
"No!" That makes me laugh! She is probably afraid of what her big sister will do to her in her sleep, I know I am!
I love how cuddly she is. She will crawl up on the couch and get real close and snuggle in. She will give kisses on demand and when she wants to! She will put her head down on your shoulder and still likes to be held! She also likes to pat my tummy and say '
baby'! She gets jealous when Emma sits on my lap or in her spot and yells,
'my my'. I think she is going to be a good big sister but it will hit her hardest when she has to divide her mommy time!
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