What a wonderful family vacation we had! I loved it all..the food was great, the weather was even better & the time together was perfect!
I was a little worried about spending 4 days with our family of 4 in 1 hotel room, but the girls did great. We definitely did enough each day to tire everyone out so passing out was the regular thing each evening a bit pass 10 p.m.!
I loved staying on the beach and being able to get wherever we wanted to go in a quick walk.

Georgia preferred the beach while Emma loved the pool.

Our daily routine was breakfast, beach, pool, lunch, nap, snack, pool, dinner, fireworks, bedtime! We did squeeze a few baths in there too..

Georgia is definitely a crowd-pleaser and quite the show-off. She got her cheeks pinched more times than I can count. She would be throwing the biggest fit and people would still walk by and say "how adorable!" Oh really!?!

I have a feeling she will be using that to her advantage for years to come. She was even flirting with this man and laughing at his jokes..not sure how she was 'picking up what he was putting down', but she did and he loved it! He saw her the next morning in the elevator and just went on and on about her. She also liked to do lots of supermodel poses on the beach and Daniel just shook his head. I think he is afraid of the future!!

Emma was a wild woman all weekend. She swam & swam & wanted to swim some more. As soon as we got home today, she put on a bathing suit and wanted to go outside to swim some more!

She wanted to stay at the pool because she can sort of swim now..I guess those swim lessons paid off..she thinks she can swim with no fear - a good and bad thing. I am impressed with what she can do now - swimming from the side of the pool about 6-10 ft. out to someone and then back. She loved going and getting icecream & watching tv and snuggling in the hotel room.

Emma has been a little weepy or hormonal lately. I am afear of what this means for our teenage years. She will cry, whine, meltdown with just the slightest hiccup in her plan. I have a feeling there will be lots of spankings coming her way this next week.

We also got to see Daniel's dad & stepmom this weekend as they live there. They were nice enough to have us over for dinner, wash our laundry & meet us out for dinner & fireworks. The fireworks were awesome..I love them and the girls really liked them too. At one point, G had her fingers plugging her ears, then she was clapping and smiling. It was fun to watch their reaction. Emma "loved the pink ones"!
Now we are off to sleep & rest & recover from all the fun we had.
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