The same evening as the party the adults headed out to celebrate Spring Break!! My parents came in town early to help us out and we got to hang out at Sherlocks with friends and all stay at their spot at the Embassy Suites. FUN!! Did I forget to mention the time change..oh the time killed me. I was so tired, not on Sunday necessarily but Monday and Tuesday were rough. That coupled with HB's poor sleeping habits did me in. I was not in a good mood.

OK, so after the party. My parents came and stayed all night with the 3 kids while we got to sleep in and then we went for a late breakfast at Taco Taco (yummy tacos). Toodge and Natalie headed out and the rest went back home to open more gifts!
My mom was so excited to show Emmaline her gift. We had discussed for weeks about what to get her. I wasn't sure what they decided. Pop was against the gift my mom I am sure all you ladies can guess what happened..
MaMa won! Emmaline opened up some gifts and then went outside for the BIG gift..It was a Barbie Jeep!

The girls were so excited.. They immediately jumped in and took off. It did take them a moment to get the hang of it but soon after they were wearing their seatbelts and driving to the "park to swing", E would park it and they would jump out and swing for a bit and then they would jump back in and drive to their next spot. The girls' names are on their doors with cute sparkly stickers; just as any Texas girls' should be! They even have music they can change..that seems to be Georgia's job!

Pop was not sure it would be safe for the girls and for we will see and be really cautious to make sure noone gets hurt..

Pop got his own gift for E..he got her a Pandora bracelet with a charm and Uncle Michael & soon to be Aunt Rachel got her another charm with a jade jewel on it (for her middle name & green eyes I can only assume!). It is so pretty! The girls also got some placemats they can write on, clothes, shoes, games and other goodies!! We are so very blessed! Now I just need another closet or 2 for all the new things she got!

I think the thing they loved the most was getting to go swimming at Embassy Suites,

the huge breakfast they have and getting to have a sleep over with MaMa and Pop. My parents said they talked all night long and Pop had to do some threatening to get them to sleep!

We had a lot of fun and we really appreciate them helping out at the doctor appointment for E's 4 year check and HB's 6 month check..
Emmaline was a healthy girl at 40.5 inches (75th%) and 37 lbs. (50th%).
At the 4 year check they give 4 shots. Emmaline was ok until it was time to lay her on the table and Pop (thankfully) held her hands down..she started crying but not too much and was able to regain composure pretty quickly. She got a popsicle and that seemed to help!
...and then we headed to CS...
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