We heard this phrase many times today! It was hilarious and Emmaline was not shy about wanting everyone to sing to her! One go round Georgia wasn't singing and she promptly told her it was her birthday and Georgia was supposed to sing outloud to her! My little bossy angel is 4 today!! What a special day for her...and me!! Hello, I pushed her out at 4:44 pm today! She made me a Mommy! The best day on earth, hello?!!!

Today started with Daniel lurking around the corner with his Iphone as his flashlight to see if E was awake..nope, of course she was still sleeping on this important day. So he hurried off to work and left her a card and present.

Not much later she was awake asking if she was finally 4..and there was a huge smile plastered on her face!
She walked into the dark kitchen but could still spot the happy birthday sign and her set up - a card, present, picture frame & candle. She was so excited. I could hear her tell Georgie,
"Wow, look at my birthday. Daddy got me a surprise present!" Before cereal and hot chocolate and marshmallows she opened up her Princess card that sang to her the 'dream' song from Cinderella and her HUGE Rapunzel coloring book. She was so excited and wanted to take it to school to show her friends. She even shared her markers with Georgia!!
She wanted to wear her 'birthday girl' shirt to school and took her M&M cookies she and Daddy made for her friends. At school she got to be the line leader and stand up in front of everyone at chapel and sing. She was nervous about standing in front of everyone!

Emmaline is such a joy & a frustration! We are a lot alike..as my dad says, "I've seen the movie before!" She is wild and happy and go with the flow. She needs little sleep and loves to negotiate during mealtimes. She definitely knows what she wants, how she wants to dress and wear her hair. Daniel just remarked the other day about how well she can clip her hair up by herself. She is sassy and doesn't mind getting a spanking for things she is passionate about. She told me today when I picked her up from school,
"I'm not going to get anymore spankings because I am 4 and I can act right!" I'll be the judge of that! 
She loves to be a girly girl, but definitely can hang with the boys outside! She can swing on her own, she knows her letters, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week, etc. She has been telling everyone her birthday is March 10! She is a huge helper; loves to cook, will help clean up and likes to fold and put away laundry! Emmaline is really good with directions and recognizes places we have been only once..tells me where to turn going places and coming home...and she is already quite the back seat driver..it must run in the family!
Last night I was telling her all about the day she was born..she was so giggly hanging on every word. It was cute! Then she wanted me to tell Georgie's story...'nope, she has to wait until her birthday!'
"Ok, tell me my baby story again!"
I love you Emmaline Jade! I love that you are so certain of yourself and who you are! You correct strangers when they say your name incorrect! I hope that you always stand up for yourself and love others as much as you love your Hayes-man! You are such a mommy to your brother and sister and say sweet prayers for your family and friends each night! We have loved all 4 years of your precious life and can't wait to see what is in store for your next year! We thank God for you and your dimpled smile! Happy 4th Birthday to you!
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