There was many checkings in the freezer to see our status of frozenness. Finally, success!!
Friday, April 29, 2011
popsicles & the pool
I would definitely say summer has begun. It has been hot around here, though we still have decent mornings and evenings. The girls have played in the pool a few different times and ask every day to fill it up!
Emmaline got hosed!
It is fun to watch them slide continuously in a circle and giggle each time down.
Georgia does not tolerate cold water like E. But when she decides to do something, she does it with her whole heart! Love that about her!
We had a sack of oranges left over from a party so I spent a few days contemplating what to do with them. I have this really cool old glass juicer/reamer. It is green. I got it from Louin when we lived's the one item I took with me! I love it. It always brings so many great memories to mind. Anyways, I decided I would let the girls help me squeeze some oranges and make juice..
They loved that..but it got to be too boring for I remembered these plastic popsicle molds my mom got us and thought we could make popsicles. What kid wouldn't want to do that! So the girls got so excited and squeezed and twisted those oranges around until all the juice was out and we filled up our molds.
Placed them in the freezer with much excitement and waited for the big reveal! I was secretly praying they wouldn't fall apart when I tried to pull them out because devastation would surely occur.
There was many checkings in the freezer to see our status of frozenness. Finally, success!!
Georgia liked the juice better. Emmaline liked the popsicle best!
We marched outside and cautiously pulled out the pink one first, Emmaline's of course, and it was perfect! YEA!! Then Georgie had yellow, me & HB had blue and we saved the green one for Daddy. They were so yummy and soft and sweet! Really better than I expected. I am excited now to see what other flavors we can make!
HB was shaking he was so excited.
He didn't know how cold they would be! Surprise!!
Oh, I love summer days, even when they are so hot all you want to do it eat popsicles in a pool! We are SO doing that next time!
There was many checkings in the freezer to see our status of frozenness. Finally, success!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Grandparents' love

There was lots of huntin' going on around our parts this past week. I mean, lots!
Not only were the little girls and little boy busy finding treats in the grass, the big boy, their Daddy, was busy huntin' in Mississippi. He wasn't huntin' wabbit, but turkeys and fishing on the off times! He had a blast and best of all was successful!
He even brought some turkey home for us to eat..we all thought it was yummy. One thing that he was not huntin' was this snake. He walked up on it in the back yard and in true Daniel fashion - he was barefoot! 
The girls have attended 4 egg hunts, so here are just the highlights.
One at Daniel's work
where EB made his appearance. HB didn't seem to notice, E was brave and gave a hug and G was a little skeptical but did say "Hello Bunny"
one at their school, one at my parents' neighborhood
& on Easter Sunday in the backyard. 
So we have tons of candy and lots of happy little creatures in this family!!

The girls have attended 4 egg hunts, so here are just the highlights.

Hayes' 1st Easter
Monday, April 18, 2011
Words with Friends
Just our latest version of Words with Friends! ;)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wildflower Festival

I think it's a great place to take visitors for a fun afternoon in the Hill Country!

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