Of course I don't completely understand a grandparent's love but I think I can kindof understand what the fuss is all about..I mean, you get to love on the little angels for a few days and then send them home all the while smirking under your breath that your children are getting just what they deserve..is that it? Too harsh, missing the point??! But really, there is nothing like grandparents' love!

We got to spend a long weekend with my parents over Easter. It was so much fun to hang around and get to relax, play in the water, eat too much food and watch movies til our hearts were content.

The girls absolutely love to go see MaMa & Pop. There are always new toys and clothes, plenty of snacks & lots of breaking Mommy's rules! Bedtime is out the window and the juice flows like a neverending fountain. The girls just push the limits! Emmaline's highlight this trip was the mama birds on their nests on my parents' front porch. She was infatuated with watching them and checking on the eggs/babies. She is still talking about them and asked them to
"send me a picture of the mama bird and the baby bird, ok?!" Her and my dad love to watch birds..it's one of their things..the other is the moon!

Georgia's highlight of the trip would have to be her duckie blanket that she sleeps with when she is there. It is always just as exciting to her to sleep with and drag around. She also loves that she gets to sleep in the crib there. Emmaline hates it but G loves it..I think because it makes her feel 'little' again as she put it and also because she sleeps better/longer in it. She also got a new carseat (not really new but one of our extras my mom keeps but she thinks it is and is so proud of it). G also loves her breakfast chair that is special for her. If E is in it she better watch out! She is quite protective of her things. G's funniest quote of the weekend: after going potty I asked, "Did you go potty?...Was it poopoo?" She replied,
"No, it was chicken nuggets!" 
They didn't even fuss at us when we left them with the stomach bug! Now that's love!

Hayes Bryant is just spoiled by whoever he is around. He is so cuddly and happy that you can't help but want to hold him! He wasn't feeling 100% over the weekend but you really couldn't tell one bit..he threw up twice but it didn't seem to phase him. I think he is teething, so we will just have to wait and see when those pearly whites make their appearance!

And of course I am spoiled just as much..I got a new Suburban for Easter. My Mom and Dad let me have theirs and she is getting a new Yukon. I am so excited to have all the automatic fun things and it drives so smooth. The girls love it and constantly say,
"I love our new car. It's so pretty!"It was a great weekend celebration and I am so thankful to have such wonderful family to share it all with, but we did miss Daniel and his family too!
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