This has been a pretty quick month! HB has changed and grown so much!
*He is sitting up better each day and rolling more comfortably around in search of his toys. He loves rattles and crinkle toys, basically anything that makes noise! He still likes his jumper but not for as long as he used to!

*When he is in his happy place (nursing or in a highchair about to get food)he twirls his little ankles and wrists around! It is so cute and funny..I wonder if it will turn in to a nervous or excited habit when he is older?!?
*He is starting to create more leverage with his knees so he can scoot a little bit, though I bet it will be a while before he actually crawls!

*He is such a happy boy, smiling at most anyone he sees, laughs a lot and is so fun to tickle! He squeals when he wants something, gets excited or if he sees me and I don't pick him up!

*He has started babbling a lot too..he goes on rants with the Bs (Babababa) and Ms (Mamamama - yes, that's sounds like Mama!!) It is so fun to listen to him and the girls totally egg it on! They also love when he blows raspberries and thinks he is hilarious!

*Hayes wears size 3 diapers & 9-18 months clothes.
*His hair is growing in nicely and is still white-blonde and fuzzy!
*He has no teeth but is drooling like crazy and wants to chew on everything, so maybe soon..his sisters both got their first tooth in their 7th month also!

*His eating habits slowed down then really picked up..he kindof went on a strike and refused baby food for a few weeks, but is back on track eating twice a day. He is snacking on cheerios, goldfish, crackers, noodles, rice, beans & pancakes..he also still drinks water from his sippy cup well! He rarely gets a bottle so I am hoping we can phase it out and move on to a sippy cup for anything he needs to drink. I started packing those Organic Baby Food Pouches (like Plum brand) to take wherever we go and they are So easy..I love them and he does too..don't need a spoon or anything just help him squeeze it in his mouth and he sucks it down like a straw! COOLEST THING EVER!!

*He still loves his paci but I am pushing a blankie on him too in hopes he can use it as a lovey and we can get rid of the paci in due time!
*Hayes likes to sit in his stroller now and really be a part of whatever we are doing. He also likes high chairs and shopping carts and is such a big boy in them. If he is sleeping he wakes up immediately when we get somewhere, so gone are the days of carseat carrier naps!

We also got lots of clothes from our friend Britton and Mason..doesn't he look cute in this sailor outfit!?!
*His naps are getting more regular, one in the morning, one longer in the afternoon and then maybe a short one around 6 PM. He is ready for bed around 8 and falls asleep pretty easily. He is sleeping through the night about 3-4 nights/week and the others he wakes once to eat. I know it isn't necessary but it is so much easier than listening to him cry..he will eat for less than 10 minutes and goes back to bed versus crying for who knows how long.
* This month's big first was going swimming! He loved it and was so cute kicking around and watching his wild sisters jumping in the pool!
We love you, HB, and have really enjoyed seeing you turn into a big boy this month! Your smile is contagious and you are so loved! I cherish the moments when you grab my shirt so tightly and shyly lay your head down on my shoulder! I thank God for you daily! You are pure sweetness!
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